You are correct...WebTV will only open one window at a time. However, I use the "Recent" key extensively and quite effectively to jump from one page to another, but that only goes so far. It will store only the last 12 pages visited. If there's a thread that I'm watching, but not commenting on, it can quickly get bumped off the recents page if I make a couple of comments to another thread. Then I have to search for it again. If it's on another forum, I have to go to that forum to find it. Not difficult to do, but seems an unnecessary step in what othterwise is a well set-up forum.
If the "ALL forum posts" option was available, I wouold choose that as my default starting page.
BTW, eddie, I'm impressed by the length of your responses. You always claimed you were a slow typist. I don't think that's the case anymore :)