----------------------------------------------------------- Alternative once you reach 271N
271N to 480W
480W to 77N
77N to 90E
90E to Exit 175 South Marginal Roads Exit. From there, same as above.
Clear as day to me, because I went the 271N 90W route today at noon, back to 271N via 77S/480E
The "Rally Point" is the grassy section next to the multi story parking garage on the EAST side of E9th Street, South of Route 2. The actual rally is only an hour (from 12-1) and it is for the people who are going to be walking by to get to the stadium.
I have signs supporting the military and the president, if you have American or Service flags bring them.
I'm going to get there at 8:30 so I can get AS FAR WEST in the South Municipal Parking lot as I can.