To: Chocolate Rose
Thanks, CR, but I tried to use that one and it got smacked down for being from a "biased source".
Terri's side can't use WorldNet, NewsMax, anything from a Catholic or "right to live" site or (unless it's a document). MS's side cannot use anything from a "right to die" site, from AbstractAppeal (unless a doc), anything from Mary Jo Malone, or PhillyBurbs.
If I quote Fl. statute, I have to provide the link. But, MS's word and the courts decisions are gospel over there! grrrr...
To: Micavaga
I'm still had all the same things you've probably been able to find like on NewsMax and WND. I have an approximate date pinpointed from one of those articles, so I'm going to see if there's anything in pdf at terri's fight. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson