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To: Chad Fairbanks
My Letter to Rockefeller...

I tried to be respectful...

Dear Senator Rockefeller,

I have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the growing perception that the Democrats on the Intelligence Committee have chosen a path to politicize the Senate Intelligence Committee and try to use their influence there to go after President Bush. I can understand and respect the minorities desire to make sure that things are being investigated regarding intelligence. It is for that reason that I believed, initially, that the entire issue of the “leaked memo” was probably a lot of hot air.

Over the weekend I finally read the memo and was shocked. To think that someone of any party would try to undermine the President by the use of such a critically important committee. As I have read more about this I have become more enraged that democrats that have addressed the memo issue have tried to attack the messenger instead of addressing the greater concern.

Senator, in order to preserve the integrity of the committee the author of this memo must be identified and removed from the committee. In the words of Senator Zell Miller, “If this isn’t treason, it is certainly a first cousin”.

Thank you,
Lee Morgan
45 posted on 11/17/2003 8:01:11 AM PST by Hootch
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To: Hootch
A very nice, respectful letter - you should consider making it a little shorter (if possible), and sending it off as a letter to the editor of your local newspapers, too!
46 posted on 11/17/2003 8:02:48 AM PST by Chad Fairbanks (I would be considered quite a catch in some circles... Crop Circles...)
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To: Hootch
48 posted on 11/17/2003 8:05:30 AM PST by jmstein7
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To: Hootch

Thanks for posting your letter.

We plagiarized your letter and added a few of our comments in a letter to Oregon's Democratic Senator and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Below is our version:

November 17, 2003

Dear Senator Wyden,

Recently our son returned from combat operations in Afghanistan. He piloted an air ambulance Blackhawk helicopter, and risked his life several times to save the lives of our wounded soldiers.

We are outraged about the “Memogate” situation that involves the Democrats on the Senate Intelligence committee. As one of our Senators from Oregon, and especially since you are a Democrat on the Intelligence Committee we urge you to identify the author of this memo and if you are involved urge you to voluntarily resign your position on this committee as a minimum.

We have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the growing perception that the Democrats on the Intelligence Committee have chosen a path to politicize the Senate Intelligence Committee and try to use their influence there to go after President Bush. We can understand and respect the minority’s desire to make sure that things are being investigated regarding intelligence. It is for that reason that we believed, initially, that the entire issue of the “leaked memo” was probably a lot of hot air.

Over the weekend we finally read the memo and were shocked. To think that someone of any party would try to undermine the President by the use of such a critically important committee is terrible. As we have read more about this we have become more enraged that Democrats that have addressed the memo issue have tried to attack the messenger instead of addressing the greater concern.

Senator Wyden, in order to preserve the integrity of the committee the author of this memo must be identified and removed from the committee. In the words of Senator Zell Miller, “If this isn’t treason, it is certainly a first cousin”.

Don’t forget the oath of office you have taken.


B-Cause and wife

We copied several local newspapers, as well as key Oregon Republicans plus several members of our personal network.

Thanks again Hootch

162 posted on 11/17/2003 3:23:39 PM PST by B-Cause
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