Posted on 11/14/2003 8:40:57 PM PST by knak
ASHINGTON, Nov. 14 The head of American forces in the Middle East has summoned his senior commanders to a meeting in Tampa, Fla., next week to discuss strategy for combating the guerrilla fighters in Iraq and terrorists from Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
The officer, Gen. John P. Abizaid, is to meet with top Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps generals and admirals based in the region and the United States at the headquarters in Tampa of the Central Command, which controls American military operations from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea.
Pentagon officials insisted Friday that the session was a long-scheduled meeting that General Abizaid holds periodically with his subordinates, and that it did not foreshadow any major changes in strategy in Iraq or Afghanistan. But the timing of the gathering of General Abizaid's inner circle, which is expected to last one or two days, is significant.
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