To: nicmarlo
I don't know, but I'll bet that bone scan was never supposed to find its way "out" of the records. There is just too much there to explain away. Of course, Judge Greer never tried to explain it; simply ignored it.
915 posted on
11/17/2003 4:02:24 PM PST by
("Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.")
To: sweetliberty
I'll bet that bone scan was never supposed to find its way "out" of the records. There is just too much there to explain away. Of course, Judge Greer never tried to explain it; simply ignored it.
It was discovered last year, about this time, by accident. Felos was shuffling papers in court and handed Pat Anderson the bone scan results. Pat asked for time to investigate. Greer denied. Saying, while it may be interesting, it has no relevence on this case.
924 posted on
11/17/2003 4:26:41 PM PST by
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