Have you ever even been to Alabama? I can assure you that Christianity is far from supressed in that state. And that you can see Scripture quotes right out in public within a mile in any direction from the Judicial Building. At the high school I attended they still have prayers at the football games over the P.A.
Take notice that the good folk of Alabama are not exactly storming the barricades. They know a huckster when they see one.
Have you ever been to NY? Don't come here. It's not a good state for Christians (unless you're with the Salvation army working in the soup kitchens or homeless shelters, then they'll take what you give).
There's a vortex or something over NY that runs counter clockwise to the rest of the country. LOL
If you visit - Christian or not - you leave with every bit of strength drained out of you. This is a fact. No one can exlain it. There's no scientific reason found for it, either. LOL. Spooky!