Occidental Petroleum was the "winner". Al Gore is more than a stockholder in Occidental. He receives royalties from a mining lease on his Tennessee farm from them. (By the way Occidental is a big big polluter there, putting mine waste with Arsenic? into the local water).
Gore's father served on the Occidental Board for years and Armand Hammer, Chairman of Occidental ( and confirmed agent of Soviet influence) always bragged that he "had Al Gore Sr. in his pocket."
Sidebar note: The Elk Hills reserve was the subject of the famous "Teapot Dome" scandal of the Harding administration when Albert Fall (Treas. Secy.) was charged with the same thing Gore got away with, i.e., leasing oil rights to friends in private industry.
By the way, did the New York Times or Washington Post jump all over this???? Nope!
Regards,.....and this is not tinfoil!