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To: PsyOp
Commentaries which appear in this pamplet and bylines may be reproduced and republished without seeking specific permission


You cannot license a right and still expect it to be treated like a right.


A concealed-carry law "levels the playing field between the criminals and the victims," Bailey said Current law puts citizens at a disadvantage because criminals don't obey the laws, he said.


The right to self defense should not stop at the front door.

Then-Homicide Inspector Gil Hill, who went on to become a city councilman, said this about the killing: "I'm always glad when assholes and bullets meet."

I don’t know of anybody that is against the war, except terrorists.


One of the reasons that our soldiers are put in harms way in other countries like (Iraq) is because their government has gone bad.


The evils of gun control schemes. We need to believe in the preservation of firearms ownership.

A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
One Comma or Three? The Final (ratified) version had only one comma according to the Library of Congress and Government Printing Office.

The warning sign on the horizon today is the downplaying of or drift away from self-defense. Self defense is the job of the individual not the government.


Any individual who works to disarm people or stop people from having tools to defend themselves is the blame or the poblem.


Look at the nations where the people had the power they weren’t persecuted by their government. All the other governments had disarmed subjects.


He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it.


When they have defense tools equal to the attackers they have the power to defend themselves.


Once people accept being disarmed, they become surprising easy to control and kill.


Only government officials my carry firearms. New models of firearms are dangerous by their very nature and should be posssessed by well known people only. All sales of firearms must be reported to the government. Does this sound familiar?


What happens when self defense is against the law? Defenseless citizens It can’t happen here.


If you want to stop criminals you have to speak to criminals in a language they understand. If they they want to use violence against you then you have to use violence against them.


What gun control doesn't do: Gun control advocates have long argued that regulation is needed to prevent loss of life. Steven Martinovich says that 24 000 gun laws don't seem to have much of an impact.


Two great experiments have taken place since 1987. In England, the government has disarmed its citizens and their violent crime rate had doubled since 1997. In the United States, 33 states have affirmed the rights of citizens by passing shall-issue concealed carry laws, and our violent crime rate has declined. To my eye, that should tell the story to anyone who wanted to see.


I support gun control. Shoot with two hands instead of one!

"It is time to restore the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and to defend their families against murderous predators," Hatch, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, stated on the floor of the Senate. "It is time to tell the citizens of the District of Columbia that the Second Amendment of the Constitution applies to them, and not only to their fellow Americans in the rest of the country."
Hatch added, "The prohibition of firearms in the District of Columbia is as ineffective and deplorable as it is unconstitutional; it is high-time we rectify this wrong."

The is none, nada, zip, absolutly no evidence that any gun laws have EVER had a positive influence on crime. I challenge anyone to show any credible evidence that restrictive gun laws work.


Diplomacy is that art of saying "Nice Doggie"...till you can find a rock


"Why is Rick Stanley wearing a gun on his hip openly carrying for all to see?"

1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution © 1789. All Rights Reserved.
11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace. No guns, no peace.
16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911- government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control-it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. End the gun control laws in place, don't make more.
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened if the colonists had submitted to Gun Control Laws.

Posted on 09/26/2003 9:41 AM CDT by Republican Red
Hillary Gets Tough The junior senator from New York may be surprising some people with what she has to say about Saddam and weapons of mass destruction.
PRESIDENT BUSH has a surprising defender of his contention that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction--Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. "The intelligence from Bush 1 to Clinton to Bush 2 was consistent" in concluding Saddam had chemical and biological weapons and was trying to develop a nuclear capability, Clinton said this morning. And Saddam's expulsion of weapons inspectors and "the behavior" of his regime "pointed to a continuing effort" to produce WMD, she added.
The senator said she did her own "due diligence" by attending classified briefings on Capitol Hill and at the White House and Pentagon and also by consulting national security officials from the Clinton administration whom she trusts. "To a person, they all agreed with the consensus of the intelligence" that Saddam had WMD.
Clinton isn't normally a defender of the Bush administration. And on other issues, especially Bush's handling of postwar Iraq, she was highly critical. But she agreed, with qualifications, that preemptive military action may be necessary in certain cases, as Bush has argued was the case with Iraq.


If you feel helpless when you dial 911. Then HELPLESSNESS IS FOR WIMPS & DEADGUYZ | 9/24/03 | Ted Nugent


Posted Signs “No Guns allowed here” How about putting up signs that say, "Your Constitutional Rights Mean Nothing Here" or "Criminal Safe Haven -- Rob, pillage and rape at will!" Those signs would be just as accurate and more appropriate.


Why not regulate journalism? Answer, easy journalism does not kill. You say not. What if your inaccurate statements about removing all guns will remove guns from criminal hands?


"The Era of Osama lasted about an hour, from the time the first plane hit the first tower to the moment the General Militia of Flight 93 reported for duty."


To Exterminate American (a proven blueprint)

By: D. Slatton September 7, 2003
• In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
• In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
• Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
• China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
• Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
• Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300.000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
• Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million "educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated."
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, ask them "Who do YOU want to round up and exterminate?" With guns, we are citizens. Without them, we are subjects...

We do not need more restrictive laws. "Eric and Dylan at Columbine would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre.

NEW YORK (AP) - A federal judge on Wednesday threw out a manslaughter case against a Drug Enforcement Administration agent who fatally shot an unarmed drug suspect in the back, calling it an "ill-advised prosecution."
"This type of ill-advised prosecution, if unchecked, will surely chill federal-state law enforcement cooperation on many fronts," he said.
Editors comment. This Judge needs to go farther and make the same statement regarding law bidding citizens with firearms.


By refusing to even address the right to keep and bear arms, the feds are sending the message that ordinary citizens cannot be trusted. "We will protect you,"


"Minnesota recently adopted a concealed carry law, and some businesses put up signs proclaiming that they were 'gun free,' " Lott said. "A couple of those stores have been robbed. So there has been a move among some store owners to reconsider advertising the fact that they are not armed." 2003, Knoxville TN news.


When constituents ask state Rep. Scott Gunderson (WI) if letting ordinary citizens carry concealed weapons would make Wisconsin a more dangerous place, he asks them if they`ve ever been to Disney World. "I say, Do you see any trouble there? Do you see anything happening?` " Gunderson said of the amusement park in Florida, which has one of the most liberal concealed weapons laws in the country. "Well, no. And that`s the point. "There isn`t trouble in the states that have conceal-carry laws. These are law-abiding citizens. These are good people. The criminals, the bad people, are not going to go and get a permit."


The father of a Central Intelligence Agency officer killed in the Taliban prison riot said his son is "a hero to me." Johnny Spann Sr. said his son joined the CIA after service in the Marines because "he felt he would be able to make the world a better place to live in."

"We recall Mike saying, 'Someone has got to do the things that no one else wants to do,' and that's what he was doing in Afghanistan."
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." --Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787. Taken from Jefferson, On Democracy p. 20, S. Padover ed., 1939

Ten thousand more gun laws will not stop violent people form committing acts against people.


P.S. I'd like to see these posted in front of every anti-gun nutz house, just to make sure we don't infringe on their right to be victims.



In D.C. sniper shootings and one in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (which occurred while he was known to be in the area), forensics BALLISTIC experts could not positively match the bullets with Muhammad’s Bushmaster .223 Remington/5.56 NATO. That’s an example the flaws in the much-hyped Ballistic Imaging solution.

Wright Williams Jr., was one of Muhammad intended victims, as he started to lock up his grocery store, a bullet ripped through his lip and into the store’s front door. He ran toward the street, drawing a 9mm handgun as a second shot was fired. Williams returned fire as the car headed for a nearby interstate highway.

Two things are significant about this incident: It’s the only one where
the snipers split rather than face an armed citizen.

It is also the only encounter in which the snipers fired twice – once again indicating that the over-10-round magazine ban is immaterial to crime control.


I was looking for an answer for the most common question I get, which is: "You don't think the Founders intended people to have their own atomic bombs, do you?"
Such weapons now exist, are widely dispersed, and are under the control of common, mortal men. What makes us think God has sent us a special race of angels, called "officers of the government," who can be better trusted with these weapons, than you or me? Do you really believe Bill Clinton is of sterner moral fiber than you or me? Or some Air Force enlisted man, on a ladder in a missile silo, retrofitting new fuses on a nuclear warhead? See All God's Children Got Guns by Vin Suprynowicz


Any idiot can criticize. If gun grabbers look at our honorable citizens, and see the enemy, they are my enemy.


Don't be fooled into trading your rights for a false sense of security...

"For those of us who have fought for it, FREEDOM has a taste that the government protected subject will never taste."


No Guns For The Mindless Masses, Useful idiots,


Be Well ~ Be Armed ~ Be Safe ~ Molon Labe!


(Is the RKBA still a right if you have to get the government's permission before you can exercise it?)


"If you ask the public if a nurse getting off work late at night should have a firearm to protect herself, the public says yes."


I am for guns, including handguns. In light of that I am also adamantly for gun safety and gun education.


A gun cannot harm anyone unless there is a human being to pull the trigger -- REVREND BILLY GRAHAM


American vs. European Crime Rates

A German lawyer, in response to another blog entry, repeated the common European belief that the United States has a much higher crime rate than major European countries. The facts are quite different...

2001 Interpol crime statistics (rate per 100,000):
4161 - US
7736 - Germany
6941 - France
9927 - England and Wales

1995 Interpol crime statistics (rate per 100,000):
5278 - US
8179 - Germany
6316 - France
7206 - England & Wales

Thus the US has a substantially lower crime rate than the major European countries!

It is true that we (USA) have a high murder rate, mostly of criminals killing criminals, but a distressingly large number of people killing their spouses in anger, and the rate of "stranger killings" is rising.
However, the homicide rates have been dropping dramatically as we have been increasing penalties:

Homicide Rate/100,000 by Date in US:
1980 - 10.2
2000 - 5.5

Also, our murder rate is high largely due to the multicultural nature of our society. Inner city blacks, members of a distinct subculture, have a vastly higher criminal and victim homicide rate than our society as an average:

Homicide Offender Rate/100,000 by Race in US (2000):
3.4 - White
25.8 - Black
3.2 - Other
It is often hypothesized that blacks are overrepresented in murder statistics due to racism on the part of police and the justice system. If this were true, one would expect that the race of victims would have significantly different distribution than the race of the perpetrators, but this is not the case:

Homicide Victim Rate/100,000 by Race in US (2000):
3.3 - White
20.5 - Black
2.7 - Other
Thus if you remove homicides committed by blacks (total: 21862, Blacks:9316), and assume a proportionality between number of offenders and number of offenses, you can extrapolate US homicide offender rate of only 2.6/100,000, lower than Germany (3.27) and France (3.91).

One might ask why blacks are singled out. The reason is that inner city blacks are not representative of our culture. The black population is only about 13% of the total, and many blacks do not live in the inner city welfare cultures. Also, dividing the raw numbers into "white", "black" and "other," as was done by the Justice Department, shows that there are more black murderers (9316) than there are white and "other" combined (8346). I do not have statistics breaking out homicide by race AND location, but since most homicides committed by blacks are done in the inner city, the overall black statistic should be a good proxy.

Many, including myself, blame the high inner city crime rate on several factors:

· Misguided welfare policies, which have helped to create a culture of irresponsibility.
· The ideology of racial separatism (black power, etc.) and its relative, multiculturalism and the cult of victimology.
· Centuries of slavery and oppression, which really only came to an end in the 1960-current time period.
· That the dramatic increase in the black crime rate came after the rise of the welfare state and the creation of black racial separatism and victimology suggests the causative nature of those factors.


"As of 2000, Florida ranked No. 4 in population but ranked No. 21 in suicides. Since the right-to-carry law was enacted in Florida the following changes occurred:"

"The homicide rate dropped 36 percent, firearm homicides dropped 37 percent and handgun homicides dropped 41 percent."

"In the 10 states that adopted right-to-carry laws, the results were no change in the suicide rate, a 0.5 percent rise in accidental firearm deaths, a 5 percent decline in rapes, a 7 percent decline in aggravated assaults and an 8 percent decline in murder."


Government is there to assure that the full force of the law can be brought against me if I discharge that right in a manner that threatens the rights of others. It does not have the authority to deny me those very rights for fear I might misuse them


· Isn’t the Second Amendment about the National Guard?
Frankly, no. Serious legal scholars have almost universally agreed that the Second Amendment speaks to the rights of the citizens, not the rights of the states or other communities. Doesn’t it seem incongruous that the Framers would have written one states’ rights amendment into a Bill of Rights that otherwise speaks entirely to the rights of individuals?
Besides, consider that the document in question was written at a time when the gunfire of the American Revolution was still ringing in the ears of the Framers. A “national guard” of the period would have been Tories loyal to King George, hardly an entity the freedom fighters who wrote the Bill of Rights would have wanted to empower.
Historically, you’ll also find that the constitutions written by the separate colonies prior to the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights spoke of firearms ownership specifically as an individual right encompassing personal protection, and not just a tool to facilitate state militias.
· Isn’t a gun just a phallic symbol?
If it was, no man would ever have bought one with a two inch barrel.
· What about the argument that people die in domestic arguments because a gun is within reach of an angry person?
Certainly, those with uncontrollably violent tendencies should not own guns. When asked this question, I always respond with a question: “Could you pick up a gun and kill someone you love because they angered you?”
If the answer is No, I reply, “Then how dare you imply that I, and everyone else, would be that unstable?” If the answer is Yes, I suggest they stop attempting to counsel well-adjusted people and immediately seek psychiatric counseling for their own self-admitted tendency toward acting out impulses of uncontrollable violence.


I wish all you gun-toting retards would just go create your own nation,
We did. Just who the hell let you into the USA?


"There are over 50 million man-years of concealed carry behind us right now. That is four million CCW’s over 12-plus years, in 32, now 33 states. Then there is Vermont, where you never needed any permit."


FAQ’s About Doctors

Think about this:
· The number of physicians in the US is 700,000.
· Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year is 120,000.
· Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. (US Dept. of Health & Human Services)
Then think about this:
· The number of gun owners in the US is 80,000,000.
· The number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) is 1,500.
· The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .0000188.
Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets out of hand. As a public health measure I have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear that the shock could cause people to seek medical attention


“The Era of Osama lasted about an hour, from the time the first plane hit the tower to the moment the General Militia of Flight 93 reported for duty.”


301 Handgun Murders:
DC - 100% gun-banned over 25 years
340,000 population


300 Handgun Murders:
17 LEGAL Concealed Carry States (combined)
23 MILLION+ population


Clinton/Reno/Freeh FBI-DOJ
1999 Uniform Crime Report


Liberal (D-CT) US Senator Joe Lieberman

Human beings understand reason, logic, comprassion,dignity.
Predators understand strength.

"If the "guns-cause-violence" theory is correct why does Virginia, the alleged "easy purchase" source of all those illegal Washington, DC guns, have a murder rate of 9.3 per 100,000, one-ninth of DC's overall homicide rate of 80.6?"
One word - demographics. FWIW, under Jackboot Janet, the (in)Justice Dept. reported that blacks commit homicide at EIGHT times the rate that European-Americans do - and are murdered at FIVE times the European-American rate, almost always by fellow blacks.
Gun control groups love to use the phony statistic of "13 kids per day die from firearms each year". Most of you reading this article know that number includes suicides, accidents and homicides. It also includes children up to 19 years old as well as crime-related deaths. So, if a police officer shoots and kills a 17-year-old armed robber that is counted as one of the "13 kids per day".
I decided to do a little comparison between the number of kids killed by their mothers and the number of children killed with a firearm. I only used kids under the age of 5 for this comparison because they had their own special statistical category called infanticide. Plus, not too many kids under 5 are in gangs or committing suicide so the results would not be skewed.

Children under the age of 5 in the United States are more likely to be killed by their parents than by anyone else. FBI crime stats show that in 1999 parents were responsible for 57% of these murders. Even though women commit less than 13% of all violent crime, they are responsible for about 50% of all parental murders.
These killer moms almost never use a gun to kill their kids. They prefer a more hands-on approach like beating, drowning, shaking, strangling or suffocation. Others will resort to poisoning, stabbing or exposure to the elements. Less than 20% of the cases involved a parent shooting their child to death. (US Dept. of Justice Study, 1988)
In 1999, there were 613 homicides of children under the age of 5. Of these homicides, only 73 were killed with a firearm while 351were killed by a parent! Of the 73 children killed with a firearm, about 20% of those were committed by one of the parents. So, that brings down the number down from 73 to 59. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1999) That is 351 cases of parents murdering their kids compared to 59 firearm-related homicides in one year. To be fair, I have been mainly discussing mothers. Since around half of all the parental murderers are mothers, that number is about 175. Still, those numbers are staggering.
The numbers seem to indicate that kids have much more to fear from their own mothers than from most gun owners. In fact, legal gun owners are only responsible for less than one percent of all crimes.
I am not anti-mother and I don't want to ban motherhood, but I do support reasonable mom-control laws like background checks, licensing & registration, waiting periods and a limit on the number of children one mother can raise. After all, isn't it worth it if it saves just one child?

I think I missed a memo in my journey through womanhood. I mean, at what point did being female become synonymous with being anti-gun?


Gun Control - Simple Solutions for Simple Minds


According to USA Today, the Justice Department stated half of all violent crime not reported. In the year 2000, 6.2 million rapes, armed robbery and assaults were reported.


It's bad enough that Handgun Control has no facts to back up their claims for the gun control they want passed into law, but they also take data that support gun ownership and twist it beyond recognition!
HCI put out a press release entitled "License to Kill," a play on the term "License to Carry Concealed." "License to Kill" claims that the 3370 license holders who were arrested for a crime means that license holders are 66% more likely to commit a crime than are non license holders.
Here are the real numbers. There were 3679 arrested among license-holders in Texas over a four-year period. The yearly average comes to 671 per 100,000 Texans. That compares to 9,508 per 100,000 arrests for all crimes per year among the rest of the population. In other words, non-licensees get arrested 14 times more than do licensed gun packers.
By the way, getting arrested does not establish guilt. More than half of those arrested are acquitted. Also, about a quarter of the arrests are on felony charges, the rest for misdemeanors.
And the number of murders, attempted murders and manslaughter committed by this group? Well, three -- in four years. That's a license to kill? We should have such a crime wave in Washington, DC where guns are banned -- or in Chicago, or L.A.
The only way I can explain the "66% more likely" number is this: HCI is 66% more likely to get it wrong than just about anybody else.

After reading Erica Bouza's May 13 account of a lunatic on the loose with a gun and her response to the terror. I know for sure I would rather live next to a registered National Rifle Association member than an illogical-thinking, firearm-phobic scatterbrain.

Safer"? For whom? Such laws claim, ostensibly, to protect law-abiding citizens. Of course, only law-abiding citizens comply with these restrictions -- and at their own peril. Criminals don't care if the weapon they are using comport with the 23,000 federal, state and local gun restrictions already on the books. The Democrat's "incremental encroachment" on the Second Amendment is a thinly-veiled strategy to achieve their ultimate goal of gun confiscation, as Ms. Feinstein made clear after passage of her 1994 legislation: "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate...for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it!"

In Chicago, thousands of Current parolees, and the uncounted thousands of former parolees who live in the neighborhoods, are key to whether Chicago's streets are safe or dangerous.
Since 9/11, a popular bumper sticker has circulated among gun owners. It reads, “The Second Amendment Is Homeland Security.” This is more than just empty rhetoric.
In the last two years especially, street terrorist attacks in Israel have repeatedly been shortstopped by armed Israeli citizens. A terrorist opens fire at a crowded bus stop; a passing Israeli motorist draws his 9mm pistol and cuts him down. A late-arriving security man with an M-16 hoses the twitching terrorist just to make sure.
Another terrorist attempts to trigger an explosive device in a public place. An Israeli housewife draws her pistol and shoots him dead before he can detonate the bomb. The would-be martyr dies alone.
A third terrorist opens fire with an automatic weapon in an Israeli school. What could have been a mass murder on the scale of Columbine or greater is limited to a very short casualty list when Israeli parents and grandparents, who have provided volunteer armed security after receiving state training, open fire and kill him with their concealed pistols.
Note that in each of these episodes, it was an armed citizen who stopped the terror. Not a soldier. Not a security guard. Not a police officer. Just as wolves do not try to seize a lamb under the nose of the sheepdog, terrorists do not strike where armed protectors are known to be present. They scout the turf and select their victims more carefully than that.

The right to self-defense is a fundamental right.


"I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death.
Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me."
Giuseppe Garibaldi (1849) Italian patriot and soldier


Check for your local airing time
Fast Facts-
-90% of all violent crimes in the U.S. do not involve firearms of any type. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 1998)
-Less than 1% of all firearms will ever be used in the commission of a crime. (FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1994)
-20% of U.S. homicides occur in four cities with just six percent of the population—New York, Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, DC—and each has a virtual prohibition on private handguns. (Dr. Gary Kleck, University of Florida using FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1997)

As soon as some idiot kills someone else with a gun, liberals want to take guns away from everyone who didn't do it. When will they learn that criminals will always get guns, no matter what the law, and law-abiding people will not kill anyone with theirs except to protect life

At your very next opportunity, ask a police officer who will answer what he/she would do if ordered by their department or command to instigate confiscation of all firearms from law abiding citizens in their jurisdiction. After you recover from the answer you receive, then ask what they would do if a citizen refused to surrender that firearm.
The era of Osama Bin Laden lasted for about one hour. The Era ended when the Citizen Milita of Flight 93 went into action.
If there are gun dealers violating the law, then they should be prosecuted. Suing the gun manufacturers is like suing Budweiser because the local 7-11 sells beer to minors.

African Americans account for 51 percent of gun homicides and there is a well-heeled, illegal sales machine operating in the Black community. It feeds the domestic war over drug sales and turf in many inner cities and it mysteriously goes unabated, while it is common knowledge that these guns are not made in the Black community and are not sold, for the most part, in gun shops that do legitimate commerce.
"The risk of being shot is one of the occupational hazards faced by burglars, and rightfully so, says a victims' rights advocate."

"James Sandifer, president of the Louisiana Crime Victims Coalition and Common Sense Against Crime, said he believes the store owner who shot two burglars on Tuesday morning in Alexandria should not be prosecuted."
"During an interview with Columbus This Week to promote an upcoming Columbus concert with ZZTOP, rocker and Second Amendment-rights activist Ted Nugent had this to say about Ohio's ban on carrying a firearm for self-defense:"

" 'Any obstacles for individuals of proper reputation -- in other words, non-felons -- to ever need any kind of permit for the right to keep and bear arms is an indication of a cultural deprivation at the hands of an apathetic, sheep-like society that embarrasses me, angers me,' he said

"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".
That's a right. Given the above, how can one carry a gun illegally. The only thing illegal is gun laws, and the police who enforce them.

"Safer"? For whom? Such laws claim, ostensibly, to protect law-abiding citizens. Of course, only law-abiding citizens comply with these restrictions -- and at their own peril. Criminals don't care if the weapon they are using comport with the 23,000 federal, state and local gun restrictions already on the books. The Democrat's "incremental encroachment" on the Second Amendment is a thinly-veiled strategy to achieve their ultimate goal of gun confiscation, as Ms. Feinstein made clear after passage of her 1994 legislation: "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate...for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it!"

The National Motorists Association, a private group representing and enhancing North American motorists’ rights, has in-depth information on their Roadblock Registry website, including a database of past roadblocks by state, upcoming roadblocks, and registration by the public of newly held roadblocks.
The watchdog group also identifies motorists’ rights at a roadblock in their article “Most Frequently Asked Questions”. They say, “You do not have to answer any questions, particularly questions that would be self-incriminating. . . you cannot be compelled to explain your travel plans, divulge the contents of your vehicle, or in any way converse with law enforcement officers operating a roadblock.”
Regarding searches of your car at a roadblock, the group informs the public, “Your car can only be searched under the following circumstances: You voluntarily give the police permission to search your vehicle. The police have a warrant to search your vehicle. The police have ‘probable cause’ or ‘reasonable suspicion’.” In the latter instance, “They must be able to explain what they think they will find and why they think said items are in your vehicle.” A search conducted against your will, even one that results in possession of illegal items, is an invalid one, and “they can be (and should be) held criminally and civilly liable for conducting an illegal search.”
Other motorists’ rights listed on the above webpage are swift processing at the roadblock with a maximum detainment time of 10-15 minutes or formal action taken by police against the motorist, and legal maneuvers to avoid a roadblock, even U-turns.
10 posted on 11/06/2003 7:04:44 PM PST by CHICAGOFARMER (Citizen Carry)
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14 posted on 11/06/2003 7:36:08 PM PST by PsyOp ( Citizenship ought to be reserved for those who carry arms. - Aristotle.)
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Sorry guys but the Supreme Court has made several decisions based on the Constitutions of other nations.

These unchallenged acts rendered our Constitution null and void.

The 2nd and any other, if they conflict with other nations constitutions, will be rendered null and void.

Your attempting to draw rights from a constitution of a nation that no longer exists.

The USA is every bit a part of the past as say the USSR, Yugoslavia or the Austro-Hungarian empire.
28 posted on 11/06/2003 10:09:10 PM PST by Kay Soze (Revolt is the only way now that Supreme Court renders decisions based upon other nations laws.)
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District Judge Joseph Meyer agreed, writing in his opinion, "Uniformity in itself is no virtue." His ruling came in a suit filed by the city of Denver challenging parts of two 2003 state laws, one of which threw out all local gun laws, including those that ban assault weapons. The other involved uniform standards for obtaining concealed-weapons permits.

Gun lawsuit ruling a win for local control

104 posted on 11/09/2004 12:40:22 PM PST by PsyOp (The commonwealth is theirs who hold the arms.... - Aristotle.)
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Don't believe anti-gun statistics
Lexington Herald-Leader ^ | Mar. 13, 2006 | Robert L. Pruden

Posted on 03/13/2006 12:52:30 PM PST by neverdem

Henry Riekert's column cites the Violence Policy Center as a "well respected, non-profit, gun control advocacy group" -- true, if citing selective statistics and ignoring data that do not support yours is respectable.

One of the group's stated goals is a nationwide ban on the private possession of handguns. That isn't gun control; it's gun elimination.

The figure Riekert cites -- 5,314 arrests of Texas concealed-carry licensees -- sounds incriminating until you look behind the raw numbers. Total arrests spread over the period selected (Jan. 1, 1996, to Aug. 31, 2001) averages 1,138 a year. That includes arrests for all offenses, including traffic arrests.

Since there were about 213,000 concealed-carry licenses issued during that period, that calculates to a percentage of 0.5 percent a year being arrested, not exactly a staggering rate.

And I hope Riekert is not confusing arrests with convictions; they are not the same. Texas Department of Public Safety records show that 55 percent of the concealed-carry licensees arrested were cleared of violent offenses.

The department also says that concealed-carry licensees' frequency of arrest for violent offenses is only 17 percent that of the general public. The rate for non-violent offenses is even lower: only 7 percent.

How about the revocation rate of concealed-carry licenses in Texas? That will indicate how violent those licensees are. Between Jan. 1, 1996, and May 1, 2002, 1,724 licenses were revoked out of 240,506 issued; a revocation rate of .07 percent. That's not an overwhelming number and certainly does not indicate the rampant lawlessness Riekert would have you believe.

In Florida, 1,123,373 concealed-carry licenses were issued between Oct. 1, 1987, and Feb. 28. Only 157 licenses have been revoked because the licensee used a firearm while committing a crime. That's a rate of one 0.01 percent. Also, 2,976 licenses have been revoked for all offenses; that's a rate of 0.26 percent. Not what one would call a crime wave.

How about a couple of quotes from Texas officials regarding the concealed-carry law?

District Attorney John B. Holmes of Houston said, "I (felt) that such legislation ... present(ed) a clear and present danger to law-abiding citizens by placing more handguns on our streets. Boy was I wrong. Our experience in Harris County, and indeed statewide, has proven my initial fears absolutely groundless."

Glenn White, president of the Dallas Police Association said, "All the horror stories I thought would come to pass didn't happen ... I think it's worked out well, and that says good things about citizens who have permits. I'm a convert."

In 1996, many of us said that passing Kentucky's concealed-carry law would not lead to blood in the streets, and it hasn't.

As for making the names of concealed-carry licensees public, to what purpose? Riekert implies that under the legislation he opposes, House Bill 290, a woman being stalked would not be able to find out whether her stalker had a concealed-carry license.

But the bill clarifies that once an EPO or DVO is issued against a licensee, a law enforcement officer is immediately dispatched to confiscate the license.

Straw men are easy to knock down, but they don't make much of a case.

Robert L. Pruden of Owingsville is secretary/treasurer of the Kentucky Firearms Foundation.

128 posted on 03/13/2006 4:21:09 PM PST by PsyOp (The commonwealth is theirs who hold the arms.... - Aristotle.)
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" ~ Benjamin Franklin.

162 posted on 06/21/2006 12:27:03 PM PDT by PsyOp (Fear, not kindness, restrains the wicked – Metus improbos compescit, non clementia. – Syrus, Maxims.)
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