You offered, as a means to defend your effort to dehuamnize the earliest ages along an individual's lifetime continuum for whatever reason you may hold to, "... but so would a zygote forcibly removed from implantation ..." The zygote is the first cell formed at fusion of the chromosomes of male and female (in traditional reproduction); as soon as mitosis occurs, within hours there is a morula of sixteen cells and that is no longer a zygote; implantation doesn't happen until days later and several levels of stem cell cascade, and the embryo is - by the implantation age of twelve to fourteen days - already grown to a hundred or more cells moving along the methylation pathways that make the placental organ and the main body of the individual to be used upon exiting the womb.
As to the Aussie Arch, I stand by my characterization of him because his effort to dehumanize the earliest age of individual human beings so that he can lend credibility to the exploitation of human life for cannibalization is disgusting service to the great ghoul known as the father of lies, a murderer from the start. I'll choose how to view that man based on his words and actions, thank you.
OK, excuse my poor terminology. Substitute "embryo" in for "zygote" and that's what I meant to say.
And what a nice backhanded suggestion that I have some sort of ulterior motive for choosing a position that differs from yours. You must be fun at parties. Since it's rarely productive to argue with people who use such tactics, I think I'll cease.