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To: jaykay
So much for all those here over the last few months that were saying she got "excellent care" by the Iraqis. Amazing they could give the Iraqis that much credit without knowing the facts. But then we know why they did it, their petty agendas mean more to them than how our POWs were treated. Anyone with half a brain automatically knew that our POWs were tortured and executed.
75 posted on 11/06/2003 12:46:13 AM PST by #3Fan
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To: #3Fan
"The records do not tell whether her captors assaulted her almost lifeless, broken body after she was lifted from the wreckage, or if they assaulted her and then broke her bones into splinters until she was almost dead."

Flashback to July 13, 2003:

"U.S. military intelligence officers believe Lynch's injuries were inflicted after she and other survivors surrendered. "This poor girl," said one Special Forces captain involved in her rescue. He's among three military intelligence sources who say she was standing when she surrendered, and had minor injuries at most. That was confirmed by Mehdi Kafaji, the Iraqi orthopedic surgeon who was in charge of her treatment at the hospital in An Nasiriya."

Iraqis abuse POWs and use the Geneva Conventions for toilet paper. Not news to anyone who pays attention. They did the same to POWs, male and female in Gulf War 1.

78 posted on 11/06/2003 1:49:17 AM PST by jaykay (Proud to be an Infidel)
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To: #3Fan
"So much for all those here over the last few months that were saying she got "excellent care" by the Iraqis. Amazing they could give the Iraqis that much credit..."

Lynch's painful recovery from an ordeal that left her barely able to walk, unable to use her right hand or control her bowels is vividly described. So, too, is Lynch's discomfort with the spotlight - and with being called a hero.

This is bad. It confirms something I had heard from someone at Landstuhl, that Jessica had to have a partial colostomy because her rectum and intestines were severly burned, likely due to rape with a hot iron. I had been hoping that they were wrong, especially since that was the least terrible part of the story.

82 posted on 11/06/2003 2:16:50 AM PST by jaykay (Proud to be an Infidel)
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