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Ayat'ul-Mahdi: Questions and Answers About the Double Eclipse of Ramadan 2003 ^ | Isa Adam Naziri

Posted on 11/03/2003 8:34:46 PM PST by Sabertooth

Questions and Answers About the Double Eclipse of Ramadan 2003
By: `Isa Adam Naziri

"At length, when the sight is dazed, and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined together - the Day of That will Man say: 'Where is the refuge?'" Al-Qur'an, Sura 75:7-9

Allah gives a sign that Mahdi (atfs) will be among us when a double eclipse occurs in the month of Ramadan. Al-hamdulillah, this past Ramadan i was prompted to investigate the matter of when such an astronomical sign might occur. The information that i found revealed that this miraculous event is scheduled for Ramadan 2003.

"It has been reported from Abu Jafar (as) that the event of the Mahdi's appearance shall be attended by two clear signs which will carry with them the weight of ten strong signs. These are the solar and the lunar eclipses; and a similar sign has never happened ever since Adam came upon this planet."

Notes: Ikmal al-Din, p. 361

Sunni hadith tells us the following: "Of our Mahdi there are two signs which have never taken place ever since the Earth and the Heaven came into existence. One is that in the month of Ramadan the moon shall be eclipsed on the first of its nights and the sun in the middle of its days; and such a sign has never occurred ever since the creation of the Earth and the Heaven."

Notes: Dar al-Qutni, vol. 8, p. 188

The specifications for the dating of the eclipses in the Sunni hadith however are erroneous, as the timing during the month of Ramadan that the Sunni version states is a physical impossibility. First of all the moon could not be told to be eclipsed on the first night, since it is virtually invisible then anyway. Even if it did eclipse then, this would be a fruitless sign since it is nearly invisible at that time anyway. An eclipse at that time of the month would be totally invisible. No human eye would be able to see this sign of the darkened moon of the first night, and yet it is given as the primary sign of the advent of the return of our Imam al-Mahdi (atfs).

These two phenomena of the lunar and solar eclipses will take place in a much different order. As the Sunni hadith says it, with the solar eclipse occurring in mid-month, this would require the moon to suddenly double its speed of movement after the onset of the month! To believe not only that the moon would suddenly double its speed after the onset of the month is unreasonable enough in itself. However, coupled with the fact that a lunar eclipse on the first night of Ramadan would be physically impossible to see, we must conclude that the Sunni version of this Hadith is unreasonable and the portion of it referring to the dates in the month of the eclipse must be rejected as plainly unscientific and unreasonable. Imam `Ali Riza (as) tells us that we must understand Islam through reason:

"The greatest of miracles of Allah is the human mind. It allows ideas to be thought through and reasoned out. Islam appeals to human reason. Man must accept Allah through reason and not through miracles."

So, following in the study of astronomy that Imam Sadiq (as) also studied and taught, it is unreasonable to imagine that the Sunni scheduling of these eclipses will occur in the order said. As well, since Imam Baqir (as) mentions this sign yet make no mention of the dates of the eclipses in their relationship to the month itself, then we must accept only that the sign is that of the double eclipse during the Holy month of Ramadan.

The miraculous Double Eclipse is scheduled for November the 9th and November 23rd of 2003. Ramadan of 2003 is scheduled for approximately the 27th of October to approximately the 27th of November. Ramadan being a 30 day lunar period, both the eclipse of November the 9th and November the 23rd will fall in this Holy Month - al-hamdulillah! The November 9th Lunar eclipse will be visible from: Europe, South West Asia, Africa and America. The November 23rd Solar eclipse will be visible from Antarctica and the South Indian Ocean.

Notes on the double eclipse during the coming Ramadan of 2003: Bao-Lin Liu and A.D. Fiala, "Canon of Lunar Eclipses, 1500BC- AD3000", 1992; Willmann-Bell Inc., Richmond, Virginia.
Or: J. Meeus and H. Mucke, "Canon of Lunar Eclipses, -2002 to 2526", 1983 (2nd edition); Astronomical Office, Vienna.

Eclipses may also be examined with computer software such as EclipseMaster, MoonTracker, SunTracker and AstroCalc; Zephyr Services, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To help with this AstroCalc was modified to print out celestial positions of the Sun and Moon near each Ramadan (i.e. every 354.367 days). 

See also H. Mucke and J. Meeus, "Canon of Solar Eclipses, -2003 to +2526", 1983; Astronomical Office, Vienna
Websites that note the dates of these eclipses are:

Nasa Eclise Watch Site - Eclispses for 2003 -

The FAS Eclipse Page -
2003 The Year of Cold Eclipses: 4 central eclipses in one year! -

Yet still we are told that the Ummah will deny the signs of our Rabb, and will reject the Imam al-Mahdi (atfs) until such Great Tribulation arises that they are left with no alternative but to follow him. May Allah strengthen our Iman that we might have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the Truth that the Ruh speaks to the Ummah. May Allah hasten the Imam's Return, and may Allah lead all who read this to recognize the Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs) when the sign is given that he is among us!

Will this Return Be Physical?

Generally it is understood from Ahadith that this will be the primary sign that Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs) has returned. However, i do not wish to speculate as to whether or not this means he will be physically visible. Nonetheless, in all likelihood that is the case, as has been understood from Ahadith from the beginning. However, this does not mean that he will return saying "i am Al-Mahdi." In all likelihood he will keep his identity a secret, at least at the beginning, or else the governments of the world would simply send people to assassinate him. We are told that the majority of the Ummah will reject him. We are told by Imam Sadiq (as) that "the Arabs will struggle with him," and that his teachings will be difficult for them to accept. We are told that 40,000 Ulama will die at the hands of the Mahdi (atfs) and his Shi'a.

One Hadith tells of a delegation of Muslimin who are sent to ask him if he is the Mahdi (atfs), and when asked he DENIES that he is Al-Qaim (atfs). Later the group who asked him returns to those who commissioned them to go to ask him. They tell those who sent them that he denied being the Mahdi (atfs). Then those who sent them said "Now we KNOW that he MUST be the Mahdi!"

So we must realize that in all likelihood he will not advertise the fact that he is the Mahdi (atfs) at first, but will rather call people to his cause of revival of Islam, and Jihad against the system of Dajjal. May Allah help us all to recognize him when he rises!

Has Such a Sign Ever Happened Before?

Lunar and solar eclipses occur often during the same month. However, they do NOT occur often during the month of Ramadan. We know that the Shi'a Hadith on this matter clarifies that "These [signs] are the solar and the lunar eclipses; AND a similar sign has never happened ever since Adam..."

The first double eclipse in recorded history during the month of Ramadan was the double eclipse of the year 283 AH/896 CE. Our beloved Imam (atfs) was ALREADY with us for 28 years when this double eclipse happened. Again, we are told that this bears the weight of 10 signs. We also know that the one of 2003 will be the last one for many hundreds of years - as the current calculations go all the way up to the year 3,000 and nothing is shown in that time.

So we are not told that the Ramadan eclipse at the advent of his return has NEVER happened - in fact we KNOW it happened for the first recorded time when our Imam (atfs) was 28 years old. We are told only that this will be the sign of his return. It will not signify that his return is "close" but it will signify that they "Great Tribulation" of the Dajjal is close as Sura al-Qiyamah Ayaat 7-9 allude to. We know that this reference in Al-Qur'an cannot be the double eclipse of the Imam's (atfs) 28th year in 283 AH/896 CE, because we are told that in the "Day of That" people will ask "where is the refuge,Ó or "where can we fly to." Accordingly, these Ayaat specify, ÒIn the Day of ThatÓ - not in a day hundreds of years later.

We also know that the double eclipse of the Imam's (atfs) return is the one referenced in the following earlier Kutub Al-Anbiya...

Guru Granth Sahib says in the sacred scripture of the Sikhs: "When the Nishkalank Avtar will appear, his coming will be proclaimed unto the whole world; and the sun and the moon will give his evidence."

"The stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine" - Isaiah 13:10

Similarly we read: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken; and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Adam in heaven." - Matthew 24:39

Here it is confirmed that "then shall appear the sign of the Son of Adam in Heaven." This is a different sign than the aforementioned double Ramadan eclipse that is noted earlier in that same verse. The final "sign of the Son of Adam in Heaven" is a sign of the return of `Isa Al-Masih (atfs), as he was referred to by himself and by other as the Son of Adam, including in the book of Matthew which that prophecy was reported.

So we know that the double eclipse of the most significance was not the one of 283 AH/896 CE, as that one was not also corresponding with the return of `Isa Al-Masih (atfs), as the one in Az-Zaman Ad-Dajjal will be.

Additionally, we are told in Shi'a Hadith that this sign bears the weight of ten other signs yet we know that almost the ENTIRE Ummah will justify to themselves that this merely means that Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs) may return soon. Even right now we have told people of this sign from Allah of the Imam's (atfs) return, yet still the first reaction of many is disbelief. May Allah strengthen our Iman so we might recognize our Imam (atfs) when he approaches us.

But ArenÕt We Told That No One Know the Time?

Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Salma ibn al-Khattab from Ali ibn HassaÕn from ÔAbd al-Rahman ibn al-Kathir who has said the following:

"Once I was in the presence of abu ÔAbd Allah that Mihzam came in and said to the Imam, ÔMay Allah take my soul in service for your cause, enlighten me about this matter that we wait for. When it will take place?" The Imam said, "O Mihzam, those who give it definite time have lied, the expediting ones perish and salvation is for those who are submissive."

Notes: H 917, Ch. 82, h 2

ÒI asked abu ÔAbd Allah, about al-QaÕim. He said, ÔThose who give it a definite time have spoken lies. We, Ahl al-Bayt, do not set a definite time.ÕÓ

Notes: Al-Kafi, H 918, Ch. 82, h 3

Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Ja'far ibn Muhammad from al-Qasim ibn ÕIsmaÔil al-Anbari from al-Hassan ibn Ali from Ibrahim ibn Mihzam from his father who has said the following.

ÒWe mention before abu ÔAbd Allah the kings from the descendants of so and so. The Imam said, "People have perished due to their haste for this matter. Allah does not expedite it because of the haste of people. For this matter, there is a goal towards which it proceeds. Once they will reach that goal they then will not be able to move it forwards or backwards, even by one hour.Ó

Notes: Al-Kafi, H 922, Ch. 82, h 7

Certainly only Allah knows the specific date and time of MahdiÕs (atfs) Rise but we do know that as the signs are revealed his return will be confirmed, exponentially increasing confirmation will be given as to the immanence of his return from occultation.

For instance, once he is actually here - whether he says "i am the Mahdi and i am here" or not - then certainly only Allah KNEW the time of his return, but OBVIOUSLY at some point that knowledge will be revealed, not only to the Ummah at large, but first to his Inner Circle of 12 (11 and his Wazir), and then to the 313 Taliyah Al-Mahdi.

There is no Hadith that says we will NEVER know when he will return. For the sign could be a sign that his return IS ALREADY HAPPENING. He might already be among us, just as the first double eclipse in recorded history during the month of Ramadan happened when the Imam (atfs) was already alive for a number of years.

Significantly all astrological reports confirm that this is the last double eclipse during the month of Ramadan to occur in the foreseeable future. In 2,155 one will come close but it will not actually be a full eclipse and will not be visible to the naked eye - and thus is not a true eclipse, nor was it considered one at all in the time of Muhammad (sal) and the A'immah (as).

Would it not reason that if this is the sign of the Rise of the Imam (atfs) then the last one for at least many hundreds of years - when all of the other signs have been revealed - will be of a great significance?

Essentially it comes down to accepting that this will be the double eclipse in the month of Ramadan that signifies his return from occultation, or not accepting such a sign at all. Since all of the other signs have been fulfilled that are required before his Rise, then there no reason but lack of Iman to doubt this clear proof of his presence among us.

Certainly one can be skeptical and doubt the matter just as the majority of the Ummah doubted the matter in 283 AH/896 CE. Allah has already told us in advance that most will not accept this sign and both Sunni and Shi'a masses will at first reject the Imam (atfs) when he returns.

The sign of the double Ramadan eclipse does not mean our Imam (atfs) will Rise on that specific date. In fact there are two dates in that month, so it would be impossible for it to be a calculation of THE date of his return. Rather it is a sign that his return is upon us, meaning that he may by that time already be returned but just not Risen to power.

We should not necessarily expect our Imam (atfs) to Rise to power by that time, but it would be nothing short of lack of Iman to doubt that he will have returned in the context of planning his Rise with his 313 Mujahidin by that time. When Allah and the Anbiya (as) and the A'immah (as) tell us that this is what that sign means then who are we to second-guess them? Certainly his military Rise will take some time and coordination after that. But the Shi'a should know that his presence among us in a direct leadership capacity is assured by this sign, to all who recognize him at his appearance.

We cannot foresee the day Imam Mahdi (atfs) will rise, but if Allah gives us a sign as monumental as this one, we can be sure that it is meant for us, not for people many years later. When a sign that we are told holds the weight of 10 Signs occurs, we would be foolish to imagine that this is a sign for any generation but this one. This does NOT mean that we know the time of his Rise, but it does mean we know that this is the Age of his Rise. However, a person should not say that this sign does not mean much in and of itself since we are told in fact that it means as much as 10 signs. So even if one is of the presumption that there are 10 more signs to be fulfilled then we are told that this sign alone is worth as much as them all put together. These are signs for those of Iman.

What Did the AÕimmah (as) Say About the Timing of the Eclipses In the Month, As Opposed to Sunni Ahadith?

DarÕul-Qutni reports to have heard from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) the following statement: ÒOur Mahdi shall be accompanied by two signs the like of which have not happened since the creation of the heaven and the earth, namely, that in a certain month of Ramazan there will be an eclipse of the moon on the first of the three nights usual for such eclipses and in the same month in the second of three days assigned for the solar eclipse there will occur an eclipse of the sun.Ó

This version clarifies Òthe first of three nights usual for such eclipses.Ó This is a very big difference than the Sunni misinterpretation that says Òthe first of three nightsÓ - which implies that the eclipse would be during the beginning of the month and thus invisible. Al-hamdulillah, the ShiÕa version is scientifically sound.

The AÕimmah (as) told us that we should use Reason above miracles. Muhammad (sal) also told us to seek out `Ilm (science) even if we must go to China.

ÓThe solar eclipse occurs towards the last part of the month when the moon has not yet begun to shine forth; and the lunar eclipse in the bright nights, i.e., 13th, 14th or 15th. This is the law of Allah pertaining to the motions of the sun and the moon.Ó

Notes: Al-TaÕaruz baÕyn al-ÔAql, p. 224

ÓThe astronomers say that the lunar eclipse takes place only when the moon occupies a special position with respect to the sun; and it does not occur excepting on the 13th, 14th or 15th. Likewise, the solar eclipse cannot take place excepting on the dates of 27th, 28th or 29th when the sun comes nearer to the moon.Ó

Notes: Hujaj al-Kiramah, p. 344

For the moon there were two terms in Arabic language, ÒhilalÓ and Òqamar.Ó For the first three or four nights, the moon is called ÒhilalÓ in Arabic, and thenceforward, up to the end of the month it is called Òqamar.Ó The term ÒqamarÓ is never used for the moon of the first three or four nights. It is written in Sihah Jauhari:

ÓThe moon of the first, second and third nights is called hilal, and after the third up to the end of the month it is called qamar on account of its brightness.Ó

Lisan al-Arab is another famous Arabic lexicon. Under the term ÒqamarÓ it says that is, the term ÒqamarÓ is used after the third night up to the end of the month. Muhammad (sal) used the term ÒqamarÓ and not Òhilal.Ó Thus, it could not be the moon of the first night, as wrongly interpreted.

To believe that the solar system will somehow change is scientifically ridiculous. If such a thing were to happen then this would throw the tides into disarray as well as cause other acts contrary to nature. Also there is the question of what would make the Earth and Moon change their course to accomplish such an eclipse at the times contrary to nature? Certainly the Anbiya (as) observed signs of natural occurrences, they did not foretell of signs were Allah alters nature just to make a point. Rather it is the other way around, in the occurrences of nature, and the movements of heavenly bodies are signs for those who reflect. When the Anbiya (as) observed these they realized the meanings of the signs. This does not mean that said signs are a result of Divine alteration to the natural order of the Universe, but rather that the Divine illuminated those with eyes to see to have a glimpse of what these astrological signs mean.

What Should We Do?

Sahl ibn al-Hasan al-Khurasani who was one of the followers of ahlul-bayt in khurasan (a province in Iran) came to Medina to meet imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as). Sahl al-Hhurasani said: ÒO son of the Rasul Allah! You are of the AÕimmah of AhlÕul-Bayt. What prevents you from getting your right (i.e. the rule) while you find more than one hundred thousand Shi'a who are ready to fight for you?Ó The Imam (as) asked him to sit down, and then ordered to turn on the oven that was in the house. after the oven became very hot and turned red, the Imam(as) said: ÒO Khurasani step into the oven and sit in it.Ó The Khurasani said: ÒMy master, o son of the Rasul Allah! Do not punish me by fire and make it easy for me.Ó At this time, Harun al-Makki (ra) entered the room, and after the greetings exchanged, the Imam (as) told him to put down his shoes and to sit down inside the oven. He did so and the Imam (as) started talking to Sahl about Khurasan as if nothing has happened. After some time, the Imam (as) said: ÒO Khurasani stand up and look inside the oven.Ó Sahl looked into the oven and saw Harun sitting cross-legged inside the fire. Then Imam As-Sadiq (as) asked Harun to come out of oven and he came out healthy with no burn or injury. At this time, the Imam (as) asked Sahl: ÒHow many individuals do you know in Khurasan like this man?Ó Sahl replied: ÒBy Allah, not even one.Ó The Imam (as) confirmed his saying and said, ÒWe do not rise at this time when we do not even have five helpers (like him). We know better about the proper time.Ó

Notes: al-bihar, v47, p123, hadith #172; also in manaqib by ibn shahr ashub

In preparation for the advent of the return of Al-Qaim (atfs) we should ask ourselves some very serious questions. Firstly, are we personally ready for his return, or are we secretly longing for his return at sometime in the hypothetical future, so the burden of being among his Taliyah is not set upon us? Are we ready for the hard life that he will call us to?

We must purify every aspect of our lives. Our Din and Iman must be ever-increasing in strength towards perfection. We should ask ourselves what our time would be best spent doing. Instead of wasting our lives away we must begin training for the inevitable. While many suffer throughout the world, millions of Muslimin sit back and passively accept oppression and tyranny as Òthe way things are.Ó For the true Muslim, complicity is no longer an option.

We must look at our diets and strive to eat healthy and eliminate the poison food and cigarettes that the system of Dajjal has force fed the world. We must take exercise very seriously and if we are not already, begin a serious strength and endurance enhancement program. We should all be training in Martial Arts.

We all should familiarize ourselves with modern weapons and weapon-craft, as well as combat tactics on par with or superior to those of our enemies. Every one who wishes to be counted among the ShiÕa Al-Mahdi should obtain a high-quality combat handgun and rifle of common model and caliber as the Taliyah Al-Mahdi.

If the prophecies of the 313 Mujahidin of the Mahdi (atfs) strike you as unbelievable, and if you rightly recognize that you will never achieve such mastery of the mystic-warrior arts on your own - if you are asking yourself how to begin this monumental task of training for the coming Jihad against the system of Dajjal - then you should contact the Taliyah Al-Mahdi immediately to begin our ÒPath to PerfectionÓ training lessons. You will be trained in every aspect of Din, `Irfan, Martial Arts, Firearms, modern weaponry, tactics, natural healing, dietary purity, exercise, strength and fitness.

ÒAre you not pleased that your enemies are busy with each other [in conflict], while you are safe in your homes? When our Qa'im arises each one of you will gain the energy of forty men. Your heart will become like pieces of iron, which, if hurled against mountains, will break them through. You will be the leaders of the world and its keepers.Ó - Imam Baqir (as)

Allah does not Reveal to us signs with no importance or reason. The time of passive acceptance of wickedness, and kufr is passed. The time of complicity in the face of DajjalÕs war on Islam is no longer a reality that we can accept. Allowing the nations of Yajuj and Majuj to colonize and oppress the entirety of the world is not something that the true ShiÕa can stand for. Now is the time of our ImamÕs Rise. Now is the time to throw off the shackles of this world. Now is the time to prepare for battle and move forward to Eden!

ÒIf our ShiÕa would be firm on their promises wholeheartedly, our meeting would not be delayed.Ó - Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs)

For more information on the Rise of the Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs), and joining his Taliyah contact:The Vanguard of the Mahdi

Notes on the double eclipse during the coming Ramadan of 2003: Bao-Lin Liu
and A.D. Fiala, "Canon of Lunar Eclipses, 1500BC- AD3000", 1992;
Willmann-Bell Inc., Richmond, Virginia.
Or: J. Meeus and H. Mucke, "Canon of Lunar Eclipses, -2002 to 2526", 1983
(2nd edition); Astronomical Office, Vienna.
Eclipses may also be examined with computer software such as EclipseMaster,
MoonTracker, SunTracker and AstroCalc; Zephyr Services, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. To help with this AstroCalc was modified to print out
celestial positions of the Sun and Moon near each Ramadan (i.e. every
354.367 days).
See also H. Mucke and J. Meeus, "Canon of Solar Eclipses, -2003 to +2526",
1983; Astronomical Office, Vienna
Websites that note the dates of these eclipses are:
Nasa Eclise Watch Site - Eclispses for 2003 -

The FAS Eclipse Page -

2003 The Year of Cold Eclipses: 4 central eclipses in one year! -



TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: imamalmahdi; imammahdi; islam; mahdi; ramadan; ramadan2003; ramadandoubleeclipse; twelfthimam
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Al Qaeda again threatens New York, Washington and Los Angeles
      Posted by tubavil
On 11/03/2003 9:17 AM PST with 566 comments

Debka ^ | 11-3-2003 | Staff
Monday, November 3, 2003 A new message was posted in the last few hours by the Jeddah-based al-Qaeda-linked Al-Islah (Reform) society calling on Muslims to flee New York, Washington and Los Angeles in advance of major al Qaeda attacks in those cities. This is revealed by DEBKAfile. The message accuses the United States of predetermining its end (doom) by its policies. ?The Jews rule the Pentagon by remote control and (are the cause) of Muslims being killed in every corner of the world. The United States should therefore expect more blows.? The message is signed on behalf of the al...
Ramadan 2003: Current Threat Analysis
      Posted by Mossad1967
On 10/27/2003 2:01 PM PST with 39 comments

Northeast Intelligence Network ^ | 10/27/03 | Douglas J. Hagmann
With the onset the Muslim holy season of Ramadan 1424 (2003), we are becoming increasingly concerned and somewhat alarmed at the raw data and intelligence findings we are obtaining from obscure and often hidden Islamic Jihad web sites and communications intercepted in chat rooms used by fundamentalists. Analysts at the Northeast Intelligence Network have noticed a continuing rise in the "pitch and intensity" of calls for Jihad, Fatwas, Clarifications and other religious "rulings" that certainly suggest that plans for a series of attacks are currently in progress. These attacks appear to fall into two major categories: threats to US and...
Usama bin Laden - Messiah
      Posted by richardtavor
On 09/18/2003 7:24 AM PDT with 2 comments

Arutz Sheva ^ | September 18, 2003 | Yishai Fleisher
Moshiach Bin Laden by Yishai Fleisher Sep 18, '03 / 21 Elul 5763 E-mail This Print Homepage Osama is a tall, handsome man. He is charismatic and spiritual, inspiring millions of followers. They are prepared to die for the great mission of liberating Islam from the West and conquering the world in the name of the true religion. On September 11th, with the help of his suicidal henchmen, Osama successfully destroyed what he saw as the Twin Towers of American imperialism and idolatry. Three thousand people were murdered. The world quakes at his every pronouncement. A threat issued from a...
      Posted by Polycarp
On 09/17/2003 10:49 AM PDT with 108 comments ^ | 9/17/03 |
MUSLIM APOCALYPTIC WRITERS INDICATE FUTURE STRIKES ON NEW YORK AND VATICAN Muslim apocalyptic writers indicate that the long-term targets of terrorism will continue to be Washington and New York -- along with the Vatican. This is apparent from recent Islamic literature that focuses on what many Muslims believe is a coming anti-christ-like figure called the Dajjal, who will supposedly spring up from the U.S. and "Greater Israel," defined by many Muslims as worldwide Jewish influence propelled by the United States. They see endless mishaps for America and its largest city, from nuclear war to natural calamities by which -- in...
Is Bin Laden the 'Mahdi'?
      Posted by joesnuffy
On 09/08/2003 6:25 AM PDT with 40 comments

© 2003 ^ | September 8, 2003 | unknown
FROM JOSEPH FARAH'S G2 BULLETIN Is bin Laden the 'Mahdi'? Some Muslim followers believe he is prophesied 'awaited enlightened one' Posted: September 8, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of – a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for the last 25 years. U.S. military intelligence experts are studying a video clip of Osama bin Laden in which he stands before a dry-erase board with an Arabic phrase written upon it – "awaited enlightened one," reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. No one...
Sacred landmarks on allies' road to Baghdad (Damage to Iraqi holy sites would enrage Muslim world)
      Posted by Sabertooth
On 04/01/2003 7:09 PM PST with 56 comments

San Francisco Chronicle ^ | April 1st, 2003 | Don Lattin
Damage to Iraqi holy sites would enrage Muslim world, experts say Sacred landmarks on allies' road to Baghdad Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer Tuesday, April 1, 2003 Two of the largest land mines on the U.S. military's march to Baghdad are a pair of holy sites especially sacred to the Shiite branch of Islam -- Karbala and Najaf. Iraqi fighters loyal to Saddam Hussein hope to exploit the religious significance of these two landmarks of Muslim history, while U.S. and British troops are trying to avoid damaging tombs whose destruction could enrage the Muslim world. Karbala, the place where...
Dajjal (the Deceiver)
      Posted by Dajjal
On 06/21/2003 4:40 AM PDT with 53 comments

The Institute of Islamic Information and Education ^ | unknown | Sheikh Al-Khail bin Yousuf
Dajjal (The Deceiver)by Sheikh Al-Khail bin YousufQUESTION: WHAT OR WHO IS DAJJAL? Answer:DAJJAL is not a person with one eye, “chained” at unknown islands (as claimed by many so-called Aalims, taken from Daeef-Hadith’s). In fact, DAJJAL is an evil concept or mission (Anti-Allah and its commandments) which will be carried out by a powerful group, not by one country but almost every country of the world. A powerful leader whose string will be controlled by the Jews will be the leader of this group.DAJJAL with “one eye” means “new world order”, a concept initiated by former President of United...
Imam Al-Mahdi... The Extension of the Imamate
      Posted by Sabertooth
On 11/16/2001 1:13 PM PST with 40 comments ^ | October 31, 2001 | Walhamdo Lillahe Rabbil Aalameen
In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful. Peace and Blessings be on our Master Muhammad, his progeny, and his chosen companions and all of Allah’s messengers. Allah says in His Glorious Book: "Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Members of the Household, and cleanse you with a through cleansing". One of those Members and one of the Infallible Imams is Imam Al-Mahdi whom Allah has prepared to fill the earth with justice, by means of Islam, having been filled with oppression, falsehood and unbelief. We celebrate the birth of this Imam who ...
BLACK FLAGS of Islam -- Portents of the Imam al-Mahdi?
      Posted by Sabertooth
On 10/28/2001 3:58 PM PST with 137 comments

Various | 10/28/2001 | Sabertooth, others
     Black Flags of Islam   Portents of the Imam al-Mahdi, the Moslems' prophesied deliverer of Jerusalem? from Diane Alden… Afghanistan has special significance to the world of militant Islam. It was once called Khurasan, along with parts of Iran and Pakistan. Muhammad said: "If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan, join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice, for that is the army of the Imam al-Mahdi and no one can stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem." That is one reason Osama bin Laden chose it as his base, or al-Qaida. Mohammed's ...
Mohammed's Prophecies of the Imam Mahdi (VANITY)
      Posted by Sabertooth
On 10/25/2001 10:49 AM PDT with 67 comments

10 - 25 - 2001 | Sabertooth
I'm looking for information concerning Mohammed's Prophecies of the Imam Mahdi. Particularly where they might shed light on Osama bin Laden's strategies behind the Terror attacks of 9/11. Specific quotes and sources appreciated.

1 posted on 11/03/2003 8:34:47 PM PST by Sabertooth
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To: CheneyChick; vikingchick; Victoria Delsoul; WIMom; kmiller1k; mhking; rdb3; Travis McGee; GOPJ; ...

More on Ramadan 2003, and the Imam al Mahdi.

2 posted on 11/03/2003 8:37:44 PM PST by Sabertooth (No Drivers' Licences for Illegal Aliens. Petition SB60.
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To: Sabertooth; JustPiper
Great research, Saber.

When are the actual dates for the lunar and solar eclicpses -- I think it was posted on the other thread, is it Nov. 11 & 23, or am I misremembering it?
3 posted on 11/03/2003 8:38:45 PM PST by FairOpinion
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To: FairOpinion
I believe it was Nov 9th and 23rd.
4 posted on 11/03/2003 8:41:47 PM PST by Lijahsbubbe
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To: FairOpinion
When are the actual dates for the lunar and solar eclicpses -- I think it was posted on the other thread, is it Nov. 11 & 23, or am I misremembering it?

Eclipses during Ramadan
by David L. McNaughton
In "Hamdard Islamicus" (Karachi, Pakistan), vol. XIX no. 1 (Spring 1996): pp. 81-86.

Double Eclipses during Ramadan

Sometimes a Ramadan will contain a solar and a lunar eclipse. That inevitably provokes comment, because of traditions that such a "double-eclipse" is a portent for some unusual event. Ithna'asheri Shi'ites, for example, believe that their Twelfth Imam will reappear after a Ramadan double-eclipse (although those two phenomena will supposedly take place in reverse order, with the solar one occurring in mid-month (5); that will require the moon to suddenly double its speed of movement after the onset of the Holy Month!)

In March/April 1894 (Ramadan 1311), Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (founder of the Ahmadiyya or Qadiani movement in Pakistan) interpreted a double-eclipse as a sign that he was a genuine modern-day prophet (6). The lunar eclipse during that particular month was only partial, although the solar one two weeks later was total in a few places in eastern Asia (7). However, there was nothing at all extraordinary about those two eclipses: every 22 or 23 Islamic years there is at least one Ramadan featuring a pair of eclipses two weeks apart (8) - one of which is usually partial; see Table 1.

Very much rarer is a Ramadan containing two total eclipses.

Table 2 lists all such occasions since AH 1, as well as during the next 200 years (9); (its solar eclipses are all central, with annular ones also included).

It will be interesting to see whether the two total eclipses scheduled to occur during Ramadan 1424 (AD November 2003) - are cited to support a claim similar to that made by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, or as proof of thesignificance of some extraordinary event.

< -snip- >

Table 2

Ramadans with two central eclipses

LUNAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOLAR

AH . . AD . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . Where visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . .Where visible

.283 . .896 . . . . . . . ..29 Oct . . .Pacific & adjacent . . . . . . . . . . 12 Nov . Canada; Alaska;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(25 Oct) . . landmasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(8 Nov) . NE Pacific

.305 . .918 . . . . . . . . .5 Mar . . Eurasia; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mar . .Antarctic; south
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28 Feb) .NE Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15 Mar) . .Indian Ocean

.462 . 1070 . . . . . . . . .2 Jul . . .Pacific & adjacent . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Jul . . .Arctic; Siberia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(26 Jun) . .landmasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(10 Jul)

.529 . 1135 . . . . . . . . . 4 Jul . . .America; Pacific; . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Jul . . .Antarctic; far
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27 Jun) . New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(12 Jul) . . .south Pacific

.596 . 1200 . . . . . . . . . 5 Jul . . . Pacific & adjacent . . . . . . . . . . *19 Jul . Siberia; Arctic;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28 Jun) . .landmasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12 Jul) . . NW Atlantic

1200 . 1786 . . . . . . . . .11 Jul . . . Pacific & adjacent . . . . . . . . . . 25 Jul . . South Africa &
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . landmasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adjacent oceans

1424 .2003. . . . . . . . .9 Nov. . .Europe; SW Asia; . . . . . . . . . .23 Nov . Antarctic; south
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Africa; America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Ocean

1580 . 2155 . . . . . . . . .9 Mar . . Europe; Africa; . . . . . . . . . . . . .*2 Apr . .China; Russia;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kashmir; Mongolia;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Afghanistan

Notes for Table 2

Central lunar eclipses are always total.

*The central solar eclipses listed above are total unless asterisked - in which case they are annular.

Dates apply to the instant of maximum eclipse.

Extrapolated Gregorian dates are given even on occasions when the old Julian calendar was in operation;
the corresponding Julian date is then shown below in brackets.

5 posted on 11/03/2003 8:42:33 PM PST by Sabertooth (No Drivers' Licences for Illegal Aliens. Petition SB60.
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To: Sabertooth
Thank you very much for your research and links.

It will be interesting indeed to see if anything comes from this - the Islamic version of Christian dispensationalist/apocalpytic types.

6 posted on 11/03/2003 8:43:05 PM PST by PresbyRev
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To: Sabertooth

Donald Rumsfeld is the Mahdi!

All bow to the greatness of Mahdi Rumsfeld
7 posted on 11/03/2003 8:43:16 PM PST by GeronL (Visit
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To: Sabertooth
Thanks for the heads up!
8 posted on 11/03/2003 8:43:22 PM PST by Alamo-Girl
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To: Sabertooth

"Saber, why are you doing this? Islam is peaceful. Islam means peace."

9 posted on 11/03/2003 8:44:19 PM PST by Sir Gawain (The Crusades never ended. Too bad only one side realizes that.)
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To: FairOpinion
9th and 23rd, it is in the article.
10 posted on 11/03/2003 8:44:27 PM PST by xrp
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To: Sabertooth
So when does Osama Bin Laden appear on the balcony, waving to the delerious throngs?
11 posted on 11/03/2003 8:48:40 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: Sabertooth
Allah does not Reveal to us signs with no importance or reason. The time of passive acceptance of wickedness, and kufr is passed. The time of complicity in the face of DajjalÕs war on Islam is no longer a reality that we can accept. Allowing the nations of Yajuj and Majuj to colonize and oppress the entirety of the world is not something that the true ShiÕa can stand for. Now is the time of our ImamÕs Rise. Now is the time to throw off the shackles of this world. Now is the time to prepare for battle and move forward to Eden!

Does this mean more terrorist attacks?

12 posted on 11/03/2003 8:56:50 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul (I love the smell of winning, the taste of victory, and the joy of each glorious triumph)
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To: Sabertooth
Does anyone here have the capability to translate arabic to english and have a computer that will display arabic on their screen vs gibberish. this is what needs to be translated... From:  ?"daleel_almojahid" Date:  Mon Nov 3, 2003  3:38 pm Subject:  ?????? ???????? ? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ADVERTISEMENT ??????? ???????? ? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????: ????? ?????? ???????. ?????? ??????. ?????? ??? ?????. ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ? ??????? ???.. ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ??????. ??? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ???: ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????? ? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????????? this may be BS but it is the next msg after the warning for all muslims to leave NYC, LA, etc.
13 posted on 11/03/2003 8:58:21 PM PST by Bobibutu
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To: Sabertooth
Does anyone here have the capability to translate arabic to english and have a computer that will display arabic on their screen vs gibberish. this is what needs to be translated... From:  ?"daleel_almojahid" Date:  Mon Nov 3, 2003  3:38 pm Subject:  ?????? ???????? ? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ADVERTISEMENT ??????? ???????? ? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????: ????? ?????? ???????. ?????? ??????. ?????? ??? ?????. ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ? ??????? ???.. ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ??????. ??? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ???: ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????? ? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????????? this may be BS but it is the next msg after the warning for all muslims to leave NYC, LA, etc.
14 posted on 11/03/2003 9:01:39 PM PST by Bobibutu
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To: Bobibutu
Well if you do send me a pvt reply and I will fax or send email to you as all that comes up when posted are ????????? marks for arabic script.
15 posted on 11/03/2003 9:04:05 PM PST by Bobibutu
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To: Bobibutu
here be the URL
16 posted on 11/03/2003 9:06:34 PM PST by Bobibutu
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To: Sabertooth

For later reading.

17 posted on 11/03/2003 9:09:49 PM PST by DreamWeaver
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To: Sabertooth
Thanks for your research and compilation.
18 posted on 11/03/2003 9:25:59 PM PST by Faraday
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To: Faraday
bumping to bookmark.
19 posted on 11/03/2003 9:34:35 PM PST by Betty Jane
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To: Victoria Delsoul

Does this mean more terrorist attacks?

Are they breathing?

20 posted on 11/03/2003 9:35:32 PM PST by Sabertooth (No Drivers' Licences for Illegal Aliens. Petition SB60.
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