Wasn't "Silence = Death" one of the big slogans of the sodomites not that long ago? Now "Silence = Disdain"? I'm confused.
Phelps is a nutjob. I don't see "Thou Shalt Harass" among the Ten Commandments. I wish both sides would just shut up and leave the citizens to do what they wish. It's their community. Let them decide what monuments to display and where to display them. But since the courts have said communities are too stupid to make up their own minds on such issues, you get all these dimbulbs coming out of the woodwork.
My city has big statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn overlooking the river. I may not care for Mr. Vaughn's music, lifestyle or message but I don't think I have the right to go crying to the courts to have them move the statue or put a tarp over it. Geez, grow up everyone!