I disagree with the NY Times. I think this is a case of a corrupt State Department official, pusruing the State Department fetish of stability, undermining our president.
1 posted on
10/28/2003 5:37:14 PM PST by
To: Destro; a_Turk
2 posted on
10/28/2003 5:38:33 PM PST by
(Peaceniks and isolationists are objectively pro-Terrorist)
To: Kaiwen
3 posted on
10/28/2003 7:41:25 PM PST by
(Peaceniks and isolationists are objectively pro-Terrorist)
To: rmlew
How could an Armenian (or even an Azeri) live under that?
4 posted on
10/28/2003 8:03:55 PM PST by
(Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorisim by visiting www.johnathangaltfilms.com)
To: rmlew
JFK picked bobby for AG. After GH Bush, we get GW for pres and maybe Jeb in a few years. Bill Clinton may be eventually succeeded by Hillary. Evan Byah succeeding Birch Bayh.
Seems to me, neopotism is fairly common everywhere. Is "like father, like son" a universally bad thing ?
5 posted on
10/28/2003 9:52:28 PM PST by
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