Prayers being said for Precious JAMES.
Avinu Malkeinu Our Father Our King,
We humbly come before Your Throne of Grace and Tender Mercies and Lift Up to You our Friend James, his Mom and Family.
O LORD our GOD Your Precious Child James needs a MIRACLE from Your Nail Scarred Hands.
Give to him Your Comfort and Your Strength, Touch and Heal his little body, send Your Holy Angels to stand watch at his bed side.
Give to his Doctors, Nurses and Care givers Your Wisdom, Discernment and Immeasurable Grace to make good decisions concerning James' care.
Take away all pain, fear, doubt and confusion.
Help James and his Family to Trust You LORD in and for ALL things.
For we Pray this in The NAME that is above ALL Names.
Amen ~ and ~ Amen.
It's been a blessed day for my household, so it's now time for me to bend a knee for those others in need.