Thanks. I appreciate this.
To Free Republic!
Don't let the hounds intimidate you. There are a few around here who sniff out newbie "blood" and have a feast. Most of them mean well and are really alright when you get to know them. Of course, there are exceptions, but you'll get to know who they are and avoid them if you stick around. Their barks are bigger than their bites. You have to understand that all newbies are kinda suspect for the simple reason that we get a lot of trolls from the dark side so the attack is kind of a test. Look at it as an initiation of a sort.
Terri has a lot of friends here. I took the liberty of adding your name to the "Terri's Army" ping list, which means that when there are important updates or in some cases, new threads, your name will be added to the "To:" field in the post and that will come up on your "My Comments" page. I have found the best way to keep abreast of the latest posts to you is with the pager. If you click on the following link it will bring up a notification page and open up a little box that you can keep minimized and it will alert you when you have new posts or FReepmail.
FReeper Beeper