To: Sandylapper; Devil_Anse; runningbear; Jackie-O; MaggieMay; Canadian Outrage; All
Gloria Gomez, reporterette from KOVR13, reports that investigators have found red paint on Peterson's boat. The suggestion is that the paint was transferred to the boat when Scaught tied the boat to bouy # 4 in the bay.
Coast Guardsman interviewed stated that the water at bouy #4 is thirty feet deep and the water can get quite rough at that location.
Suggestion is also made that Scaught tied up to the boat to stabalize the boat while dumping the body.
Divers have returned to bouy # 4 repeatedly throughout the course of the investigation
Gomez reported that it is unknown to her if the paint on the boat and the bouy are a match, but given the fact that the divers continue to dive around bouy 4 suggests that possibility.
From Modesto, this is your embedded reporter, dd, returning you to your regular programming.
To: Diver Dave
The KOVR anchors, led the story with the following statement, "Explosive evidence that could send Scot Peterson to Death Row.
As an aside, I've got an aquaintance that has been installing a bunch of communications equipment down at the courthouse for all the media who will be converging on our fair city over the next few days.
To: Diver Dave
I'm assuming that Scott went out there and dumped the body in the dark of night.
Those buoys, some of them have little lamps on them, don't they?
To: Diver Dave
Thanks DD... ROFL... good reporting...;o)
627 posted on
10/24/2003 2:21:00 AM PDT by
(Lurkers beware, Freeping is public opinions based on facts, theories, and news online.......)
To: Diver Dave
Thanks Diver Dave,great information,and just like Rita Cosby whispers and from our own secrete source. :)
631 posted on
10/24/2003 5:11:05 AM PDT by
(A blank tag is a terrible thing to waste)
To: Diver Dave
Hey, DD. Good find. One problem with SP being at Buoy #4 is that it is located south of Berkeley Pier according to
this article. That would put SP going in the opposite direction of Brooks Island and Richmond. It could also bolster his "fishing" story if he says he tied up to the buoy to stay stable while fishing.
Unless divers found body parts in the general vicinity of this buoy, I don't see this information as helping the prosecution much. Even the anchors could be explained away as long as they are not connected to something more incriminating.
To: Diver Dave
OK, now im freakin out. please forgive me for not enough java this morn, but, does anyone remember "the folks"? It was on That woman predicted many things that i think were true about this case. now the 4th bouy goes to her favor again. Any takers on investigating this? I am illiterate pretty much, but will try to look into this.
642 posted on
10/24/2003 8:15:41 AM PDT by
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