I don't understand the inferior mind in this matter. When I read that Asians perform better than Whites on IQ tests and SAT tests, I don't care. I don't suddenly become enveloped with a feeling of inferiority. That is a kind of insecurity that is most, most distasteful to me.
What happened to just facing the truth? Who knows why the White Race was so technologically superior? Could it be due to geographic determinism? Probably. When your freezing your ass off in some cold climate, you probably start to envision how to make life more comfortable, and little advances lead to bigger ones. Contrast that with living in a hot and deblitating climate that produces nothing but indolence, and maybe even rage.
Who knows why the White Man understood from early on the need for law and contract and punishment by death for evil deeds. The Red Man knew some, the Black Man some, the Yellow Man quite a bit I think, but it took the White Man to organize such beliefs in a way that spread furiously across the globe, and lifted Man up.
The White Man is the King of Civilization, no matter what anybody says. And as a consequence the White Man should be proud but not become complacent, and all other races should strive to emulate if they desire real, lasting, fully merited achievement.