I pray for Terri, but I also pray that my country will wake from it's slumber and think! If you are old,...too expensive. If you are disabled,.....too expensive. If you are not the right color, nationality, or sexual orientation,....not enough money in the budget. If you are a Republican, you are insane and we can't waste the peoples money on you. You get the picture, fill in the blank.
If you think I'm paranoid, then look at the laws we already have on the books. Hate speech...(they get to say whay you can say and not say).Abortion....(Its murder if you want the baby, but no problem if you don't.) At one time, it was discussed that a motocyclist accident victim with no helment wouldn't be treated if he had no insurance. The reason,.....We could use the money better on patients who wern't trying to die! If you are a gun owner, well you get the picture. Just let your mind boggle, and thats how bad it will be!