Islam is barbaric.
The question confronting us is: is Western Civilization worth saving if the alternative is barbarism?
Most of the left--including the press--says NO.
If we are at war for Civilization then we had better be clear on who the enemy is.
So is the old testament. There is something for everyone in both of them.
While non-muslims die at the hands of islamics who actually follow their instruction booklet of VERY bad poetry known as the koran. A booklet which tells them TO KILL NON MUSLIMS.
Oh, please.... islam is a danger to CIVILIZED thoughts on freedom of religion. And, come to think of it.... it is a danger to women like Condi Rice who actually believe they should have EQUAL RIGHTS WITH MEN and can wear whatever type of clothing they want to wear.
Hey,Condi... in an islamic "republic" you could be punished SEVERLY for walking around without a rag tied on your head! Or even KILLED for having a relationship or marriage with a man your father does not approve of.
Get real folks.... we all know that.... whether the politicians admit it or not..... islam is a real threat to free people EVERYWHERE on this planet.
islam... a religion OF NO PEACE for non-muslims....everywhere. "Peace" to a muslim means.... only when THEY are in charge.
This does NOT please me one whit!
"Islam is barbaric."
That is up to a lot of people. They can make it so by taking the side of the barbarians in the war, or they can make it not so by taking the side of civilization in the war.
It is a free choice. Every Muslim can get out of bed tomorrow and denounce the terrorists as giving them a bad name, and clean house. Or can get out of bed tomorrow and cheer the terrorists on. None of them is forced to do one rather than the other.
Either way we must fight those that side with the terrorists, certainly. Anybody who likes can issue his prediction about where they will go or how they will split. But the point is not to predict anything, it is to change something. We want as many of them getting out of bed on one side, and as few getting out of bed on the other side, as possible. Tomorrow, and every day.
"is Western Civilization worth saving"
Yes it is, but that is not the question above. The question above is whether one sixth of the human race is worth saving. And a civilization that says "no" to that question may be many things, but one thing it won't be.