"It doesn't matter if a doctor put him on it for pain. He choose to become addicted to them and he choose not to do anything about it until he got busted for it. Those are the facts that you cannot dispute."
The fact is that Rush twice tried to kick the habit via rehab. That is the fact you cannot dispute.
I acknowledged this already.. refer to my other posts on the thread.
The fact is that Rush twice tried to kick the habit via rehab. That is the fact you cannot dispute. I do dispute that an addict who just does a detox or rehab, with no out-patient follow-up program, is serious about kicking the habit.
A typical rehab patient will be put on some kind of "medication", such as an anti-depressant. This serves the function of most institutional "medication", which is to keep the inmates relatively untroublesome. Addicts go into rehab to take a break from scrounging drugs on the street, taking a less-preferred drug as a trade-off.