In Alaska news, Sen. Murkowski can't make up his mind and has left for Washington for 10 days to pack up his things, and probably won't announce a decision until he gets back. How the hell hard is it, Frank? SARAH PALIN! Tax-cutting pro-growth pro-life conservative!
Due to the Illinois-Gov-George-Ryan-disaster, no big name, big money guy wanted martyrdom. But the bi-partisan combine did not want to energize the base. So they maneuvered a three way race between their pro-gun-control, pro-tax-increase "conservative" and two true conservatives. All three were lousy campaigners.
I've had several talks with experts Morton Blackwell sends around the country teaching Campaign Leadership. They claimed to be close to Karl Rove and the Bush political operation. They did not have a clue what was happening in Illinois. They were openly supporting George Ryan, Rich Juliano and all those convicted felons. Honesty vs corruption must be the #1 issue of a winning coalition. Pro-life, pro-2A, low-tax, school-choice people are needed in the coalition. But those issues have to play second fiddle to the issue that unites us. Convincing the single issue people in the coalition that this is necessary to win is difficult. Yet it is so clear that the bi-partisan combine is the real obstacle on each of their single issues.
Currently Fitzgerald and his FAB5 friends in the State Senate have the high ground on honesty vs corruption. But the Dem leaders are smart-like-Bill. Unless the Topinkas and Hasterts get behind Fitzgerald and his allies, the Dems will gain the high ground through a brilliant PR campaign.