Some time ago I looked at what were commonly called snowflakes and found there to be two main types: types 1s are the weepy fragile safe space seeking types; type 2s are the opportunistically offended, who are actually aggressive in being offended, Islam is an example of one environment that breeds these.
Type 2s mobilize type 1s. Type 1s can be the tall grass type 2s hide in.
There was more but that’s the short-short version. Predictably Leftist over at Hannity reacted by reapplying the term to merely anyone offended, or simply disagreeing with the Left, so I must have struck a nerve.
I think the “real world” when seen through the unreal lenses of a Leftist ideology may help transform type 1s into near type 2s ... they still need to be directed like if running sheep across a minefield but their fragility is no issue for those who would use them up because they are expendable.
Sounds like most of them believe what their Profs pour in their mushy little brains. Then again I think theyre just stressed out squirrels. Great comment.