Exactly, and this should be the blanket response to the Russia bs. The talking points should be:
1. Wikileaks exposed the deceit within the Clinton campaign and the DNC. No one has questioned the accuracy of what was exposed, or the authenticity of the emails.
2. Wikileaks made Hillary look bad because it exposed who she really is. Nothing was made up.
3. Assange has stated many times, emphatically, that Wikileaks did not get its hacked emails from the Russians. Even if it did, this doesn't change the authenticity of the leaked emails.
4. There is zero evidence that anyone, Russians or others, were able to hack into voting machines and change the actual vote. Any Russian or other foreign involvement in our election was therefore restricted to any, if any, involvement in the release of actual emails that exposed what the democrats had been hiding about who they really are. Irrespective of who did it, Hillary and the Democrats were done in by the exposure of their own deceit and cynicism.
5. The only way the election was affected by any stealth influence, internal or foreign, was by exposing to the public who Hillary actually is, and how deceitful the DNC is. The public was swayed by the truth.
Excellent synopsis
Mexico interfered more than any other nation.
Mexican citizens voted for Hillary illegally.