Who cares?.....Dems= socialists/communists......string em up...better yet “thin the herd”...IMHO...
So the same campaign ideas they had against incumbents in 1972, 1984, 2004...
Impeachment of the President who is a member of the opposition party is not known to be a successful campaign strategy. First of all, they have to find some valid grounds on which to base the movement to impeach, and that may be a little hard to do with Donald Trump, in spite of all the brave rhetoric the usual suspects have been muttering about his performance in office.
Make the ‘Rats own Venezuela and Cuber. If they can’t fix those two countries in the next two years, make them eat it.
Remind America which party has been crazy and hateful with no ideas but to take us further into destruction and slavery to the state quicker than the rinos.
If Trump keeps making bad deals he will Impeach himself. No supporters equals no job.
The Democrats may retake both houses with little effort as conservative voters stay home instead of voting for the GOPe.
With their strong message for helping Americans, the Democrats should prepare themselves for 8 years of Trump followed by 8 years of Mike Pence.