Voter fraud.
Ever since DNC’s Perez “predicted” the Dems would sweep every race based on “resistance” to Trump, the Dem losses just keep getting bigger. I guess Perez’s right-hand man Muslim Cong Ellison, turned Georgia around for them. (smirk)
B/C Ossoff went full Allah-is-Great Muslimite. I guess Georgians are anxiously awaiting Ossoff’s plans to mandate tax-funded clitorecotomies on little Georgian schoolgirls.
Clitorectomy is a mandated Muslim practice.
REFERENCE-—U.S. based pediatrician and fellow at the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Hatem Al Haj Elhagaly, is listed as a member of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA).
This scholar issued a 2006 fatwa (an authoritative Islamic law ruling), saying that Islam sanctioned female genital mutilaion as better for the husband’ (his sexual enjoyment).
He acknowledged that the majority of Islamic scholars regard it allowable and some consider it wajib (obligatory)........ but advised that because FGM is illegal in the West, it should not be performed.
And yet-—surprise-—it is being performed....just recently in Tennessee on school girls brought to emergency rooms...performed without parents’ knowledge or consent.
Maybe Ossoff and Ellis can get the “tolerant and compassionate” unbigoted Meryl Streep and Michelle Obama to join in having their little girls get clitorectomies.
Maybe diversity queen, Rosie O’Donnell, should have it done....just to show her camaraderie w/ Muslims banished by that bad old Trump.
I would ascribe part of it to voter fraud but there are a lot of tribal and otherwise brain dead voters out there.