Also called the 'Shy Tory Factor'
We saw this recently with the Brexit vote.
People who support positions that run against the mainstream groupthink are sick and tired of being attacked verbally and physically by brainwashed cretins, so they just don't answer or outright lie simply to avoid inane conflict.
I found myself doing this long before I learned it was a recognized phenomenon.
I just tuned into glen becks pathetic show for some comic humor and he was seriously interviewing the loser in utah Evan MuMullan who is neck and neck with Trump and the hildabeast.He says, “yeah once you win Utah the other states will fall in place,what a putz..
Beck is never far from the ledge,also perched just about to fall over into never never land.
Why should I care what a drunken Irishman from Boston thinks? I didn’t care what Teddy Kennedy thought. I do not care what Bill Weld thinks. I only care about kicking them to the political graveyard and working to elect Donald J. Trump.
What the heck is LIBERTARIAN about wanting to disarm Americans, by force if necessary, and hand FedGov a monopoly of force? I thought LIBERTARIANS believed in the non-aggression principle. Unless you’re from gun-grabbing MASSACHUSETTS, I guess.