To: 2ndDivisionVet
I agree that this guy is bound to pull a lot more votes from HilLIARy than he ever could from DTrump
2 posted on
10/09/2016 6:13:28 PM PDT by
("Politicians are not born. They're excreted." Marcus Tullius Cicero.)
To: faithhopecharity
Yes, I hope he stays in the race for that reason.
3 posted on
10/09/2016 6:16:16 PM PDT by
(When they play the race card, play the Trump card.)
To: faithhopecharity; sparklite2
I agree that this guy is bound to pull a lot more votes from HilLIARy than he ever could from DTrumpMaybe. What he isn't going to get is a substantial number of Libertarian Party votes, says the guy who has been a party member since 1986.
5 posted on
10/09/2016 6:28:33 PM PDT by
((I have come here to kick @$$ and chew bubblegum...and I'm all outta bubblegum! ~Roddy Piper))
To: faithhopecharity
His love for pot will pull a lot of the younger crowd that might go for Hillary. She better get on stage with a bong.
I love telling my lefty associates that they should look at the libertarian candidate because he is honest and he ran a pot company. That shocks them. Or, I take the approach, I can’t vote for Johnson because he uses marijuana! Or, he ran a dope company!!!
They immediately get defensive of him. lol
10 posted on
10/09/2016 8:50:22 PM PDT by
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