I hate, hate, HATE what was and still is being done to Mr. Nixon and his memory! Even on this thread we have a posters repeating COMMIE LIES about him as "fact". I shall NEVER allow that to stand without factual refutation!
General Curtis Lemay, the Air Force Chief of Staff who retired rather than be part of Johnson’s half-a**ed war in Vietnam, was George Wallace’s running mate for VP in 1968 then got audited by the IRS during the first term of Nixon.
Lemay believes it was a warning to him to stay out of politics by Nixon.
I was a listener to the radio preacher, Dr. Carl McIntire, who’s radio station was shut down by the Nixon FCC on “Fairness Doctrine” grounds.
McIntire’s crime was advocating military victory in the Vietnam War, achievable if Lemay’s tactics had been employed.
McIntire received a letter of apology that was not specific, but sincere, from Charles Colson. Colson was the WH Counsel for Nixon who ended up in prison over Watergate and had the reputation as the ‘hatchet man’ for Nixon who dealt with his enemies.