You are changing your assertion. You said that you were studying the Constitution before I was born, but you know can only say that you remember Pearl Harbor Day. At exactly what age did you begin this journey on Constitutional scholarship?
I suspect that you have a copy of Vattel personally inscribed to you. I’m sure that is quite a valued relic. A treasure. But, Your argument fails on a number of counts. Of course, my opinion doesn’t count, but then yours doesn’t either.
I will predict this. The courts could care less about this argument and will not entertain a case based on this point. The only way that this will be considered is if some authority takes upon itself to deny the voters a choice of a candidate who gained his or her citizenship by the virtue of the event of birth and not of some naturalization process. Please use your energy to convince someone to remove Cruz from a ballot and then we will see.
Since you only joined Free Republic in 2015 and then presumably missed all of the birther debates of 2008-2012, you are at a disadvantage. I won’t use it against you.
Remain unlearned about the subject as you choose. Your problem, not mine.
You gave your birthdate. Since I remember an event which happened years before you were born,it most certainly would mean that I am older than you, would it not?
One does not need a copy of Vattel. I have read the original French wording pertaining to natural born citizen in the French Archives. The Framers knew and understood the meaning of natural born citizen. since everyone knew what it meant, there was no need to define it. Check my posts and you ill find many posts with other details which you might, if you are truly interested in the Constitution, care to peruse.