He is, hands down, one of the most conservative governors in the nation.
Research his positions before you knee-jerk trash him because he endorsed Trump over Cruz.
Amen...he has Maine liberals foaming at the mouth 24/7...a beautiful thing. NOT a Republican in the mold of Snowe or Collins (spit).
We love him here in Maine.
He is a big-mouthed no BS crabby old frenchman (different from the european cheese-eating surrender-monkey types). He used to be the CEO of Mardens, which is Maine’s version of surplus and salvage outlet stores. He knows how to make this formerly tottering Democrat lootocracy into a lean, mean gainfully employed machine. He made sure the former head of the Maine Turnpike Authority, Paul Violette, was prosecuted for stealing from Maine taxpayers for 23 years! He has cleaned house in multiple state agencies and attracted much business to the state.
My daughter danced with him at his inauguration for his second term and he gave her a big kiss on the cheek! His lovely wife, Ann LePage rode on the back of a motorcycle from Maine(in November!) all the way to Arlington Virginia with Wreaths Across America to deliver wreaths for veterans graves at ANC. They are good people.
I do go on, I know, but he was elected at a time when things were looking pretty hopeless in Maine and he has made such a big difference!
Mrs. AV