Case in point, for the past couple of months, Ted Cruz has been battling the GOPe in the Senate, in the press and on the Senate floor criticizing the budget deals.
So then yesterday, the budget passes, Trumps makes a comment and some Trump supporters claim that Trump is leading on the issue.
Low information indeed.
Ok, so answer this - Why is Trump winning and Ted Cruz losing?
In every case, in any case, you can bet that Cruz has been right in the thick of it - Right up to his neck. King, Sessions, and Cruz, defending WHAT? Defending Conservatism, and the American Way. *NO ONE* can claim that defense more than they, and Cruz probably chief among them (not to pick nits).
And many would trade that for somebody with a pretty mouth. Go figger.
sTrumpets... Selling what looks like the real thing, but in truth, isn't even close.