“He should be proposing legislation giving tax breaks and incentives to high tech companies and colleges and universities to train and employ American born tech workers. Im tired of American companies getting engineers, doctors, and scientists on the cheap from overseas. An engineer from China and a computer scientist from India who are here on worker visas means two less high paying jobs for two Americans. That should anger all of us.”
It should, but here’s the reality: the number of engineers in this country from our universities is dropping for American students. Only a small percentage of our kids in high school take physics and calculus - therefore, few are ready to major in engineering. Our schools have done an abysmal job of getting our kids ready - or encouraging them to study hard - for such a curriculum.
US schools have been at the bottom or near bottom in the Trends in International Math and Science Studies (TIMMS) ever since they were started in 1983. We cannot compete internationally scholastically, so how can we compete economically?
The majority of masters degrees in engineering from OUR universities were earned by foreign students!
If you want to be mad, be mad at the public educational system hijacking by liberals and the intentional dumbing down of the curriculum. THAT is what has caused this mess.
My grandson graduated top of his class in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Virginia, Commonwealth, last year. He is currently pursuing his masters and just had his first paper published. He already has a job lined up at Oak Ridge. There is a shortage of qualified engineers in the U.S. to fill available jobs.
Companies want the best qualified people and until American Students stop attending school to smoke pot and party, those jobs are going to go to foreign engineers and scientists.