what ?
I agree. We can lose the battle either at home or to an external enemy like a nuclearized Iran. I am gratified when we see any progress on reducing the danger on either front. But yes, we need more progress and on both fronts
The two are not completely seperate, either.
Obama is both protecting and financing the external IslamoNazi enemy, he’s importing hundreds of thousands more people, with an unusual concentration of young males we hear, from IslamoNazi controlled countries. In some cases, he’s even using our tax money to bring them here and ‘resettle them’ in our cities and towns. In other instances, they (like anyone else) just walk across our unprotected border or just fly in on temporarly visas or student visas or work visas and conveniently forget to go home. Muslims are the only identifiable group I know of that are taught to hate the infidels, with particular attention to subjugating or killing Christians and Jews, as we see in every evening’s newscast these days. Crufixions, burning people alive in cages, mass murders, gang rapes, you name it. This all does not bode well for our ‘demestic tranquillity”.... and it seems increasingly likely that we will suffer more and more losses of our constitutional liberties as the feds decide to ‘protect us’ more
so, the two...external IslamoNazi enemies....and our internal danger of losing even more of our liberties, are related.
they BOTH need to be fought.
Eliminate the Iranian nuclear arsenal....ASAP....
start deporting Islamics ...send them home ASAP.
my 2 cents worth.
take or leave at your pleasure.
All the best,