Posted on 07/08/2014 1:36:07 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Even when we take the Senate back in November, I do NOT see the testicular fortitude from anyone there to push impeachment.
Go for Holder first; that’s doable. That way, his number one henchman is gone and can’t run interference for him.
Then start picking off the rest of his commissars and cadre. We have two whole years to make him squirm.
You hit the nail right on the head.
Hearings don’t matter. If a congressional committee sneezes in the forest, does it make a sound unless the MSM reports it?
Having only one House, the MSM will either lie about or ignore any proceedings. We need both houses first. And, of course, enough people with the intestinal fortitude to stand being called mean racists. That would be problematic.
We’re good, FRiend.
For the sake and safety of America, Obozo has to go.
Nixon was going to be impeached in 1974 for FAR less than Obozo’s actual lawlessness.
The Dims owe him an apology at this point.
I agree he simply has to go. Just want it to be effective and permanent. Some time in an orange jump suit would be a bonus - I lost a couple of good friends, may they rest in glory, over his “red line” foolishness - but I am not holding my breath for that. I’ll settle for him being humiliated. His vanity won’t be able to stand that.
I think the absolute worst thing one can do to the Worm is negate everything he has done. Every decision, every action, executive or otherwise, simply gone without a trace.
Funny how what's 'bad news' for the GOP-E is good news for America, isn't it?
And - damn.
You didn’t rate that. The whole situation has me on edge. I have much loved friends walking the edge of the lava that is Iraq and Syria and Gaza, and it’s left to Lurch and Plugs to do something useful, since the boy blunder doesn’t give crap one.
My fault. I hit abuse on the post myself. Sorry.
Sort of like not prosecuting the rich kid for murder when you have 30 eye witness' to the murder, because the kids dad may close the company store.
Go on, load another 16 tons for the man.
If you go for impeachment now - IT WILL FAIL. The House may pass it (no may about it, actually), the Senate will ignore it. It’d never even come to the floor.
The ire of the LIVs at the Repubs daring to try impeach their beloved, freebie giving Messiah will drive them to the polls in record numbers. Removing any chance of taking the Senate and getting rid of Dingy Harry, who is far more dangerous in the long term than the Worm can even dream of being.
You call it loading 16 tons for the man. I call it not wanting to lose the war for the sake of a couple of soundbites. Did the Clinton years teach you nothing? The House voted to impeach, it died in the Senate and now Clinton is more popular with his base than ever. You really want to set up Michelle’s run in 2020? I am betting that Hillary’s ascent can be directly be tied in to the impeachment of her husband. A sympathy vote is a powerful thing on the left - where they react from “feelings” not from logic.
Sorry at the tone of this - I just find it frustrating sometimes that smart, well read, informed people who actually think about the issues can be manipulated as easily as a welfare queen if the words look purty.
Not to trust Republicans like Trent Lott, and those that will not fight for fear of losing.
The idiots let the democrats turn the whole thing into a sex scandal and ignore the real criminal charges for which the President was disbarred.
Never mind rain....pray for lightning.
And what, you're going to personally call each and every conservative, Republican, RINO and independent voter and convince them to vote your way..."third party"?
There are already 52 "third parties".
I have posted my idea.
What’s yours?
Think the GOP will ever represent the views of conservatives in your lifetime ever again?
If you do, please pass along what you are smoking—the rest of us could use some relief.
It's not your idea, it's Ross Perot's (and others before him)...time tested EPIC FAIL
Whats yours?
It's not mine, but I concur:
All organized conservative parties need to go undercover and run secret candidates in both major parties, and out themselves later....after the next Congress starts putting out bills and voting.
They could then get rid of Boner and Dingy Harry.
This could all happen inside one election cycle.
And how will you co-ordinate all of your secret candidates?
And rally people to vote for them?
Ovaltine decoder rings?
It has become obvious that there must be an alternative to the GOP for all Americans, in order to counter the Dems.
The one good thing about Perot in 1992 was that the GOP was scared sh#tless that he got 19% of the vote.
That directly led to Gingrich and the formation of the Contract with America, which resulted in the historic 1994 GOP election win, where they won the House for the first time in 40 years.
The GOP needs to go the way of the Whigs.
They consider us the enemy instead of the Dems, and I consider both parties my enemies now.
By instructing them to campaign on things the party voters want to hear and win their primaries. In the case of TEAparty candidates, that's already been done.
And rally people to vote for them?
By getting them on the ballot as the party candidate.
It has become obvious that there must be an alternative to the GOP for all Americans, in order to counter the Dems.
Yes, they're called TEApartiers.
They consider us the enemy instead of the Dems
Yeah, that's crap!
The RINOs consider us the enemy instead of the Dems
Then, according to you, the problem has been solved already.
But, it has not been solved.
Hmmm—something is wrong with the theory..........
No it hasn’t.
You don’t read very well.
The conservatives haven’t infiltrated the RATs yet, and the TEApublicans haven’t yet taken over the GOP.
You’re either you’re going to help, or hinder.
That, I can get behind. *salute*
It’s my huge fear. Take the Senate. Keep the House. And the Worm skates because not a one of them has the courage God gave a spider.
Whistling past the graveyard right now. I know it, you know it. Thank you for not pointing it out. :)
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