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Upset: Republican wins surprise blowout in Arkansas Senate special election
Hot Air ^
| January 17, 2014
| Guy Benson
Posted on 01/17/2014 8:47:18 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
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I expect the Republicans to somehow throw it all away between now and November.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Oh, of course. They always do, aided by the “hold-your-nose-and-vote” brigade. Oh, yeh, you’re doing everyone such a favpr by voting for any Republican on the ticket... ::snort::
posted on
01/17/2014 8:52:03 PM PST
(An Unreconstructed Georgian, STANDING WITH RAND.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I expect the Republicans to somehow throw it all away between now and November. I keep saying, they do not call them the stupid party for nothing.
posted on
01/17/2014 8:52:29 PM PST
(Chicago Blackhawks: Stanley Cup champions 2010, 2013. Vietnam Veteran, 70-71)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Here's Johnny
posted on
01/17/2014 8:54:08 PM PST
To: 2ndDivisionVet
” - - - Craighead County has not been represented by a Republican in the state senate since reconstruction. - - - “
posted on
01/17/2014 8:54:21 PM PST
(Democrats' Obamacare Socialist Health Insur. Tax violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
history probably will prove you correct.
if there's any chance, GOP/e will blow it.
posted on
01/17/2014 8:55:40 PM PST
(The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun..0'Caligula / 0'Reid / 0'Pelosi :-)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
This may be somewhat akin to what is going on in Louisiana and might be called the ‘Revenge of the Dixiecrats’. It is clear that in a state that is forty something per cent black as is Louisiana that the current GOP control of both houses of the legislature is a bit odd. Digging deeper, it seems in many rural parishes the local Democrat political leadership are white Blue Dog Democrats who detest National Dem policies. All they want to do is hold on to power at the parish level and make sure that the men (mostly) that get sent to baton Rouge will bring home some pork whether they have an R or a D after their names. These folks have zero interest in ‘community activism’ mode of stirring up the torpid mass of the blackamoors to vote heavily on election day. I suspect this sort of attitude is now spreading to other Bluedog strongholds.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
With amnesty and all the other crap the GOPe is apparently going to pull on us, they will lucky to exist as a going concern after the elections this year
posted on
01/17/2014 8:58:29 PM PST
(Extra Large Cheesy Over-Stuffed Hobbit)
To: skinkinthegrass
I have previously predicted that the Pubbies will NOMINATE a Northeastern RINO, similar to Romney. Christy? Whoever it will be, he/she will suffer the same fate.
posted on
01/17/2014 9:06:11 PM PST
matthew fuller
(Our enemy list-
To: robowombat
posted on
01/17/2014 9:06:51 PM PST
(Jealousy is when you count someone else's blessings instead of your own.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Final results:
Republican John Cooper: 4,314 (57.21%)
Democrat Steve Rockwell: 3,227 votes (42.79%)
posted on
01/17/2014 9:09:02 PM PST
(Dumb sluts: Lifeblood of the Media, Backbone of the Democrat Party!)
To: arderkrag
Oh, of course. They always do, aided by the hold-your-nose-and-vote brigade. FR has its share of nose-holders.
To: mrsmith
The first of many GOP victories to come! A new wind is blowing and it will change the face of American politics! Watch and be amazed by this new wave of Conservatism—Ted Cruz was like unto John The Baptist calling the way for another who will transform the nation. Not a new Reagan—more like a new Lincoln!
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Louisiana is 33% black, second only to Mississippi at 38%.
Washington DC is 52%, but theyre not a state.
That statistic seems to keep falling with each census. Good news for the Swamp State.
To: Fiji Hill
I know. They rear their ugly heads every election cycle, claiming that anyone not supporting a party is “throwing their vote away” or somehow voting for the other party.
posted on
01/17/2014 9:20:23 PM PST
(An Unreconstructed Georgian, STANDING WITH RAND.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
And even if they do win they’ll want to go back into ‘power sharing’ mode and let liberals shit all over them again.
posted on
01/17/2014 9:28:08 PM PST
(America should yank Obama like a rotten tooth before he poisons the entire body)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I expect the GOPe to try, and for their candidates to begin losing primaries.
posted on
01/17/2014 9:36:38 PM PST
(Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.)
To: Joe 6-pack
To: 2ndDivisionVet
While this is nice, special elections are a bell-weather for absolutely nothing.
To: Graewoulf
Back in 1980 Bill Clinton was defeated in the Arkansas governor’s race by a republican named Frank White. He was the first republican governor since reconstruction. Sadly, two years later the dumb voters put Clinton back in. If he had not won in 1982 we wouldn’t even know the name “Hillary”.
posted on
01/17/2014 9:59:41 PM PST
(".....Barrack, and the horse Mohammed rode in on.")
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