They still have to pull it off without a train wreck. My understanding is they still do not have the necessary mega-software suite remotely ready, even after 3 years.
They are going to take PAPER APPLICATIONS ONLY “for now.”
This could be fun. Millions of apps from bogus persons, etc.
the demographics of this country pretty much mean that the gop can only hope for white, hetero, Christian males as reliable voters.
if you are black, Hispanic, female, gay, jewish, the dems have promised you something. those groups look at the ballet and pull the lever for the guy with the d.
the only way I can think of to fix this is that all republicans run as dems. then, the acorn crowd would have to actually research that particular candidate. doubt it.
“I needs to gets my obamacare.”
“Can I see your I.D., please?”
“That’s racist!”
“Okay, fill this out. And you can print if you can’t write cursive.”
“Don’t be cursivin’ ats me!”