Well, the enemy believes in one thing and one thing only.
And they will have it, because they are united, and we are not.
My enemy is liberalism. My enemy is government. Until y'all realize that BOTH parties are the enemy... That BOTH parties are addicted to their power, there will be no unity.
Keep settling for politicians and that is what you will get. Politicians are in the game for power. ALL of them.
Me, I want statesmen. Principled men. Men whose hearts cannot be swayed by fickle winds of popularity. Men who find principle to be more important than money. In these you will find unity of purpose.
Reject the pragmatism and compromise of NeoConservatism, Stand for what you believe in. VOTE for what you believe in. And while you are at it, If your candidate satisfies you, make sure he satisfies the principles of all conservative factions too. Otherwise he can't win, and you may as well stay home. That is Reagan Conservatism. We don't stand together by compromising. We stand together when we don't compromise. That is what MAKES US stand together.