When I watch the Westboro people on the TV, which one is you?
“When I watch the Westboro people on the TV, which one is you?”
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I don’t watch T.V. I can’t answer you. Go back to the
subject, Romney. Our Lord’s words, are important especially if you believe there can be exceptions to abortion. There are none, even when the mother’s life is threatened.
August 28, 2012 10:10 a.m.
...My dear children, watch what will take place in the conventions that are taking place. Remember the man chosen for these times will be 100% pro-life WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. So, My dear ones, do you see any candidate answering that description? The MIRACLE will HAVE TO TAKE PLACE in order for this to happen. Keep praying My children the best is yet to come. I love you, Jesus.”