Maybe Bloomberg paid them. After all, so much of his nanny-state legislation happened under the current presidency.
Well I knew that the Romney was going to win easily was not realistic. However, this is a stupid poll and does not mean a thing. The only poll that matters is the state polling and the electoral votes. That is what wins the Presidency. This is going to be another CLOSE election probably decided on one state as has been for quite a few of our Presidential elections. Romney can win but this he is going to win with 370 electorals is not realistic. I think if Romney wins, it will be in the 280 area. I think if Obama wins it will be in the 280 area as blow out this round. The country is still too divided and Obama has not come out during winter and say put on a sweater. Obama has not had rationing of gas either. If those two things occur between now and Election day than perhaps Romney wins in a landslide. Right now it is anyones game and it will be close so everyone VOTE!!!!
If this is even close to being true, it shows how easily manipulated the electorate is. No one of sound mind would support someone who has done such damage to America as 0.
On the other hand, Bloomberg TV is so obviously in the tank for 0 they don’t even try to hide it anymore. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn this is a total fraud. So much for objective financial reporting.