“Reagan Had the Recipe for Success. Lets Follow It, by Newt Gingrich, DECEMBER 29, 2011”
“When you read this fresh, concise synopsis of the vision and problem solving template of Newt Gingrich, you once again are reminded of why he is clearly the best candidate to deal with an increasing plethora of red alert problems that are facing this nation. That is unless you suffer from HASPEN (Hate All Smart People Especially Newt) syndrome.
Newt wasn’t given two days in the lead before a barrage of HASPEN types started foaming at the mouth while lustily taking bites out of Newt’s behinder. This mob included the socialist DEMS who were joined by Repub establishment “can’t we all just get along?” timid dupes, political pundits, jealous authors and sanctimonious conservative pharisee types. If Newt is so bad why didn’t they enlighten us before he convinced people by the power of his intellect that he was a man whose time may have come.”
Prentice Jones wrote:
“I think Newt is perfectly suited for the presidency. He is very smart, articulate, knowledgeable of the Washington swamp, and he is a patriot. The job of being president requires a person who can be confronted by lots of problems and have lots of ideas and solutions.
His record in the House was outstanding for getting things done, considering the extent of power of the good-ole-boy Republican establishment in the 90’s. I believe that Newt, on the job in the White House, would settle in to the tasks of getting the country out of the ditch; and, that job is now a crisis—big enough to need someone with lots of energy and ego and experience.
I think Gingrich would get much done and get the economy out of the doldrums faster; especially if some of the older Establishment Republicans are sent home in 2012.”
Personally, I don't see Santorum being able to lead us out of this mess. Newt is the one with the courage and knowledge that it will take!
Pharisee types indeed.
"God chooses the good ones and the bad ones choose God."
~ Jimmy Stewart in FOOL'S PARADE