And since you point out his issues, what other sock puppet would they prop up as the "nominee" in 2016?
If Romney, who I believe wins the nomination, win or lose, the song remains the same.
These next 4 years are going to be tough on the american people.
That's just it. Conservatives have been tossed out of the GOP. The last Conservative in any sense was Reagan faults and all. Reagan was a fluke caused by several things. He was grossly underestimated by Establishment GOP in his communication skills, charasmia, and grassroots support. Also in the background there was a huge grassroots effort headed up by Paul Weyrich and Howard Phillips that also brought conservatism to new heights unseen since the early 1960's.
I feel conservative Republicans who had any interest in running have come to the point in dealing with the GOP of "what's the use"? For eight solid years GW Bush and his elitist associates working for him pushed and only campaigned for Moderates too be elected in the houses. That effort has inflicted major long term damage to both congress and the GOP as far as conservatism goes. Few will see it this way but it was a deliberate effort to fill the ranks with Moderates in congress and shut out Conservatives completely. The left wing of the GOP which has ran the party from 1989-present has no use for conservatives and I think maybe even Palin finally realized she was being used as a Token Conservative.
From the severe leftward direction the GOP has taken in the past 20 years it would not surprise me in the least too see Bloomberg, Snowe, Collins, Graham,or one of same, as the 2016 GOP nominee if a Bush is not awarded it first.
The GOP is damaged beyond repair and Conservatives need to begin the rebuilding process to establish a new second party too take it's place.