I've been saying for a long time, the Perry record on immigration will eventually kill him, not because it's a false allegation, but because he really is a border/amnestyLaRaza squish. The broad American public does no like that kind of stance, and conservatives hate it despite the efforts of the dems and the MSM
Any conservative that discovers his record on illegals will turn from him.
Could not agree more. Plus there's so many other Perry negatives inside Texas that will kill his ambitions outside Texas.
TX governor Perry rapped for paving way for construction of Trans-Texas Corridor
One News Now | August 24, 2007 | Chad Groening
FR Posted on 08/25/2007 by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Texas Governor Rick Perry is being called to task by an author and investigative journalist for vetoing bills that would have blocked construction of the controversial Trans-Texas Corridor--- which will be part of a superhighway -- purported to be four football fields wide -- that will allow Mexican trucks to enter the U.S. and traverse the core of the country all the way to Canada.
Governor Perry cleared the way for construction to begin in Texas when he vetoed several bills passed by the Legislature that would have stalled the project.
The Texas Legislature voted a two-year moratorium, and voted a redefinition of eminent domain -- Perry vetoed them. [On] at least one of those measures, he waited until the Texas Legislature was out of session so it couldn't even override his veto. The Federal Highway Administration's lawyer wrote letters threatening the Texas Legislature to cut off federal highway funds if they got in the way of this Trans-Texas Corridor.
NOTE Perry used eminent domain to take property from Texans to give to Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., a Spanish transportation company, in its successful bid to develop State Highway 121 into a toll road through Collin and Denton counties (the "trade road" is four football fields wide).
Approved by the Texas Transportation Commission, it is the first privatization of a Texas toll road. Bracewell & Giuliani LLP (Rudy Giuliani's Texas-based law firm with global connections) is acting as project counsel to Cintra with respect to the 50-year concession from the Texas Transportation Commission (ordered by Perry?)
Toll Road Pardners----Perry endorses Giuliani's 2008 bid for president.
March 1, 2007
REFERENCE Bracewell & Giuliani Firm Advises Spain's Cintra in First Privatization of Toll Road in Texas
DALLAS Bracewell & Giuliani LLP advised Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., a Spanish transportation company, in its successful bid to develop State Highway 121 into a toll road through Collin and Denton counties.
The award to Cintra, approved by the Texas Transportation Commission, is the first privatization of a Texas toll road. Bracewell is acting as project counsel to Cintra with respect to the 50-year concession from the Texas Department of Transportation. Cintra will pay a $2.1 billion upfront and annual lease payments totaling $700 million. "Cintra was awarded this project because of its proven expertise and competitive proposal," said Thomas O. Moore, partner with Bracewell & Giuliani. "This is the largest transportation deal of 2007. This is one of only five deals in the country."
Three firms have competed for the Comprehensive Development Agreement for State Highway 121 since last summer. The proposals were reviewed and scored based on selection criteria set forth by the Regional Transportation Council, the metropolitan planning agency for the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
This CDA is a public-private partnership that allows the provider to handle all facets of developing the toll road, including completing construction and operating and maintaining the corridor.
Cintra, a subsidiary of Grupo Ferrovial specialized in toll roads and car parks, is one of the world's leading private-sector developers of transport infrastructure.
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