So you can’t argue the fact that there is absolutely no comparison to governing the 2nd largest state with the world’s 15 largest economy for over 10 years with only serving a half term in a state of 710,000 people with the country’s 47th economy.
You can’t compare a leader who understand exactly how to go to other states and foreign countries to woo them to relocate to Texas because it’s the country’s number 1 business friendly state.
You can’t see the difference in a person who has held numerous statewide positions for several terms being better qualified from someone who has a history of leaving the job when she feels she’s completed her goals or can’t face the consequences of sighing a bad law that was being used to bankrupt not just the state but herself.
SP isn’t the only “True Conservate” in this race. The last time I looked being Pro life, Pro 2nd Amendment, pro business, pro low taxes, pro states rights, pro military (you know like actually serving), and pro secured border were “True Conservative” positions.