Especially considering its perfectly-timed release date.
I'd bet that she's running. ....although I wouldn't quite bet the farm.
They way they attacked Sarah - whether she is running or not - why would she NOT show the media’s lies vs what is the truth. When Bannon finally saw all she accomplished doing research - he decided on a movie! And why would she say no - someone has the means to show the truth and they expect her to say no. LOL! More like they wanted her to say no.
They can’t handle that she has a vehicle to counteract their 2.5 year slam on her and her family. I’d like to know one good reason she should NOT want it. One more time - Sarah goes around the media. They want to damage her and keep her quiet and they can’t. Why do they hate SARAH so - she is PRO AMERICA and PRO We the People. They want to control the masses with their propaganda instead. Good vs. evil.
Family vacation throughout the USA and this clown says use a car instead of a bus? This idiot doesn’t have children and parents to make a dumb statement like that. I guess the gorgeous ‘We the People’ bus really got to them - LOL!
Give these guys some diapers and a 1.5 year supply of chill pills. NEVER saw such obsession about anyone before.