I was alluding to the fact that neither of them has had any political executive experience.
And the less so remark is that we, as a nation have elected sitting Senators, but only Garfield, from the House and he had military experience as well and that election was a fluke.
Bachmann, by contrast, is an ambitious but undistinguished backbencher who is running for President because she has no future in statewide Minnesota politics. She says most of the right lines, but it is far from clear that she fully understands them. She has no record of executive (or even legislative achievement) and no history of being near the center of the national debate in these troubled times. There is absolutely no basis for believing that she's capable of leading America out of the rut we find ourselves in.
I guess there was that time she turned the health care debate around by invoking “death panels.” Wait a minute, that was someone else. There was her early and eloquent warning about the madness of QEII. Oops, that was someone else too. Of course the media hangs on her every word and she has an uncanny ability to shape the national conversation armed only with a Facebook page and a Twitter account. Nope, that too is someone else.
Michelle Bachmann has all of Sarah Palin’s liabilities and none of her strengths. She wont’ be the nominee and her candidacy is nothing but a distraction from the serious task of finding a conservative candidate who can win the nomination. If she's the best we've got, the establishment will succeed in nominating Mitt the Twit. We'd be better off with Obama. At least conservatives won't catch the blame for his failure.