I’m so glad someone is standing up to the slick Willard. The guy has an atrocious record fiscally and socially. His state was 47th in job creation from the bottom. He did cut spending in MA initially but before he left he jacked it up again and left the state with an ever growing subsized health care mandate. The subisized portion grew from 130 million to 800 million in the first three years and by the end of this fiscal year it is estimated to be 880 million. He also forked out hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Governor’s commission on Gay and Lesbian youth while he attempted to raise fees on businesses so high that it took the liberal Democrats in MA intervening to stop him. I thought he was bad on social issues but his record is just aweful on fiscal issues but that is normal. I’ve never found the fiscal conservative social liberal beast some people claim to be. Usually if one is liberal on social issues it always bleeds over into fiscal issues or into Orwellian speech codes to shut up conservatives and such.