You have got that right.
If the GOP nominates an establishment RINO for president, all of the “lesser of two evils” voting republitards will be just as guilty of destroying out republic as George Soros and his all of his useful idiots.
Exactly! The left is conning the left and the supposed right doing their con job on the right. They both have been working together for years to keep ‘We the People’ down and they keep power. Upside down and communist bent.
And the ‘We the People’ voice is Sarah. Who spoke out loudly FOR her these past years? Not one politician but - We the People. We know our own.
If Palin wins the “Old Bulls” of the party will be neutered—and they know it.
They are Scared to death.
Your a little harsh but correct in that we must not allow RINOs on the ticket. Actively getting Constitutional Conservatives in to the primaries is an absolute must. We are fighting for our country and its future, We have no need for moderates in this battle.