The Famous, Big Time( one time ) Cantor/Bush/Romney Talking Tour.
Maybe GOP leadership is “thin”, but what’s really infuriating is the “southern gentlemen” who keep ending up as Senate minority/majority leader over the years. Mc Connell, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, etc. are all too polite to go up against the street fighters on the other side, such as Harry Reid, Tom Daschle, etc.
The Dems leaders are as vicious as can be, but our side plays nice, actually wanting “bipartisanship”, etc. When we do have power, we cede it to the dems, but when they’re in power, our side gets streamrolled at every turn.
Boehner is much more of a fighter than any of these “nice guys” the GOP has had in the Senate as of late! But no more. We need a “bad guy” from WWE to defend our side!