I certainly hope that you live in Aizona. Common sense is rare these days.
God bless Sheriff Joe and JD Hayworth.
No I don’t live in Arizona. You will never guess which state I live in. Massachusetts isn’t that a laugh.
I followed the immigration issue very closely so I was very disappointed when JD Hayworth was voted out and replaced with a democrat. I watched cspan and know that JD was very good on the issue of illegal immigration. I certainly hope that McCain gets kicked to the curb. What a wonderul day that would be. Not only would we be rid of an open borders two faced rino but McCain would no longer be a king maker. No one would have to bow down to him to get elected. It would also send a clear message that the rino part of the Republican Party is no longer in control. No more “reaching across the aisle”. No more triangulating and talking out of both sides of the mouth. Goodby double talk, hello good old fashioned honesty.